How to win a man or a pick-up for women

 The conquest of man

The concept of "pick-up" entered the lexicon of modern man is relatively recent, but has already become firmly entrenched. As a rule, the term "pick-up" associated with male-Lovelace, who by all means try to win a woman. But the "pick-up" and his skills will be useful also to the fairer sex.

This good art skills of seduction to conquer not only allow male strangers, but also those with whom you have long been familiar with, or have a serious relationship. However, the difference between male and female pick-up still exists. A woman will never use the skills of a pickup truck just to write another name on the never-ending list of victories. A woman is able to subdue the man, feels beautiful and confident.

The following tips will help you win any prince, or perhaps even a king.

1. You must be a cat who walks by itself

We need to be both close and inaccessible. This can help straight back, good posture, confident gait and in conjunction with all of these loose and flexible arms. It should be independent and friendly. Men also attract sociable woman. Do not make the first step, but the atmosphere should be impregnated with a kind of signals and signs for men.

2. Pick how war game involves tactics and strategy

From pick-up can and should enjoy. Do not worry or be troubled. Peace of mind - one of the golden rules of a pickup truck. Besides the stronger sex attracts like a magnet, strong and confident woman.

3. In order that the object of your attention has made the first step, you need him to do push

Suffice it a longer look, dazzling smile. They should be natural, as if by chance. Women often use this technique, for example, dropping an object, or giving accidental touch.

4. Be unique and perfect in the eyes of men

At school we are taught to complete homework zadanie.Kak it is banal, but in order to interest our prince, required careful preparation. Women should not only be well-groomed, it should shine. Flawless makeup, thin high heels. Hands also can not be ignored. Men always pay attention to a manicure. In summary, you should create an image of the unique and perfect.

5. The first thing people notice - a look

Then comes the phase of communication. It can tell a lot about a man. Sometimes just a few phrases to reach a verdict. It should be calm and unhurried. Sometimes it is necessary to think in advance about the subject or body, that you will speak out on a date. Make a "home preparation". Talk should be clear, do not forget to listen to the interlocutor, because of this you have to start up a dialogue. It is important to have a dialogue, not a monologue, two singles. And this, incidentally, is very often due to the inability to listen and hear. And do not forget to accompany the text and natural smiles and relaxed touch.

6. Make sure that the utter aloud

Just think, and then speak. Often, girls are ahead of the speech thought possible. And very often in an emotional impulse can be said that under normal situation, you never would say. It is not necessary in the presence of an object of sympathy to remember their former romance. And yet, a story about your plans for the future: traveling around the world and certainly the desire to get married next year - can not please the young man, rather, scare him.

7. Men are very vulnerable

They need compliments and praise. They would rather pay attention to the girl who notices their merits and achievements. It is important to praise for a cause for the creation of man which has a direct relationship. The phrases "you have a great costume" and "you choose the perfect suit" sound different.

8. Humility - the main ornament of women

This does not mean to be a gray mouse. You have to look dazzling and be attractive. Only this can be achieved in different ways: you can wear a bright red dress, lipstick use bright colors, but you can wear a dress relaxing neutral colors, but highlight its beauty more bright accessories. You should not overshadow the partner is more important to emphasize its advantages. Men and women should be in harmony not only internally but also externally.

9. You must become a "kindred spirits", a kind of mirror image

Very often, people repeat each other's gestures, phrases, manner of speaking. Be careful, respond to gestures partner. But do not be an identical copy. Try to be leading in this game. Try to make your man followed her and repeated manner. And do not forget what it is you keep the situation under control.

How to win a man or a pick-up for women

 The conquest of man

The concept of "pick-up" entered the lexicon of modern man is relatively recent, but has already become firmly entrenched. As a rule, the term "pick-up" associated with male-Lovelace, who by all means try to win a woman. But the "pick-up" and his skills will be useful also to the fairer sex.

This good art skills of seduction to conquer not only allow male strangers, but also those with whom you have long been familiar with, or have a serious relationship. However, the difference between male and female pick-up still exists. A woman will never use the skills of a pickup truck just to write another name on the never-ending list of victories. A woman is able to subdue the man, feels beautiful and confident.

The following tips will help you win any prince, or perhaps even a king.

1. You must be a cat who walks by itself

We need to be both close and inaccessible. This can help straight back, good posture, confident gait and in conjunction with all of these loose and flexible arms. It should be independent and friendly. Men also attract sociable woman. Do not make the first step, but the atmosphere should be impregnated with a kind of signals and signs for men.

2. Pick how war game involves tactics and strategy

From pick-up can and should enjoy. Do not worry or be troubled. Peace of mind - one of the golden rules of a pickup truck. Besides the stronger sex attracts like a magnet, strong and confident woman.

3. In order that the object of your attention has made the first step, you need him to do push

Suffice it a longer look, dazzling smile. They should be natural, as if by chance. Women often use this technique, for example, dropping an object, or giving accidental touch.

4. Be unique and perfect in the eyes of men

At school we are taught to complete homework zadanie.Kak it is banal, but in order to interest our prince, required careful preparation. Women should not only be well-groomed, it should shine. Flawless makeup, thin high heels. Hands also can not be ignored. Men always pay attention to a manicure. In summary, you should create an image of the unique and perfect.

5. The first thing people notice - a look

Then comes the phase of communication. It can tell a lot about a man. Sometimes just a few phrases to reach a verdict. It should be calm and unhurried. Sometimes it is necessary to think in advance about the subject or body, that you will speak out on a date. Make a "home preparation". Talk should be clear, do not forget to listen to the interlocutor, because of this you have to start up a dialogue. It is important to have a dialogue, not a monologue, two singles. And this, incidentally, is very often due to the inability to listen and hear. And do not forget to accompany the text and natural smiles and relaxed touch.

6. Make sure that the utter aloud

Just think, and then speak. Often, girls are ahead of the speech thought possible. And very often in an emotional impulse can be said that under normal situation, you never would say. It is not necessary in the presence of an object of sympathy to remember their former romance. And yet, a story about your plans for the future: traveling around the world and certainly the desire to get married next year - can not please the young man, rather, scare him.

7. Men are very vulnerable

They need compliments and praise. They would rather pay attention to the girl who notices their merits and achievements. It is important to praise for a cause for the creation of man which has a direct relationship. The phrases "you have a great costume" and "you choose the perfect suit" sound different.

8. Humility - the main ornament of women

This does not mean to be a gray mouse. You have to look dazzling and be attractive. Only this can be achieved in different ways: you can wear a bright red dress, lipstick use bright colors, but you can wear a dress relaxing neutral colors, but highlight its beauty more bright accessories. You should not overshadow the partner is more important to emphasize its advantages. Men and women should be in harmony not only internally but also externally.

9. You must become a "kindred spirits", a kind of mirror image

Very often, people repeat each other's gestures, phrases, manner of speaking. Be careful, respond to gestures partner. But do not be an identical copy. Try to be leading in this game. Try to make your man followed her and repeated manner. And do not forget what it is you keep the situation under control.
