What kind of girls do you like guys, what women like men

 What kind of girls do you like guys, what women like men

What men like in girls and what girls like guys?

The way to a man's heart is predictable. But sorely mistaken are those who think that it is paved with homemade burgers. After mass surveys of the male population, we can confidently say that the men know perfectly well what girls they like, and what does not.

First they carefully look out in the crowd, and the latter tend to sidestep.

Natural girl

Her style - maximum naturalness. In everything from clothes to the manner of meeting new people, including males. Just do not take it literally. Girl in shapeless overalls and a canvas without a hint of make-up is not a man's dream represents.

Naturally in the understanding of men - this job is not visible to the eye. For example, he would gladly give you the title of "Miss Perfect figure", if you deliver him from the details: how many weeks did you have to spend in the fitness room, and that includes a famous Hollywood diet.

She knows the recipe for an absolute success! All short and tight, the most open. As a "spice" - a bottomless necklines and high heels. And all this combined with the habit of calling things by their proper names, and people.

Someone will say, "A little too ..." She did not agree. This pathetic babble - the lot of those who are less fortunate with the figure and the brains. And she likes to emphasize its advantages.

What men like in girls And if a few scares men sharpen its statements, the miniskirt and cleavage suggest, that it is ready to join in the game. An exciting combination, according to the most men!

Naughty Girl

Of course, the gentle, do not tend to play up the girls also have a chance. Especially if she is ready to listen to hours of football reports and meekly hosting companies, fell out of the club (the pub, long-distance trains, etc.). But the capricious charming - apart from the competition.

The girl does not like this type of excuses and sacrifice himself. And men like it because keeping them in good shape. Her antics they find funny, and requirements - appropriate.

What's the secret? It is important not to go too far. She knows when to stop. And will not require the man, that he threw a favorite sweater or off in front of everyone to walk miniature pinscher dressed in hideous woolen waistcoat.

Girls dreamer  

Even as a child you were taught that lying is disgusting, it's time to adjust the uncompromising views. It turns out that the majority of men do not have anything against the "little lie". In contrast to the "big lie," she said, according to them, helping to smooth the sharp points and eliminates the tedious details.

The question "Where have you been?" Does not have to answer that you went to see my mother, who once again said, "Honey, this guy you're wasting your time!" Say it with her friends sitting in a cafe and wash up bones of her boyfriend. Naturally, he wants to know what friends say about him.

What kind of girls do you like guys: As a result, around his person zavyazhetsya awfully nice chatter - he likes it. And when it comes to your ex, you tell stories, from which once I wept, so that he would die of laughter. The ability to embellish reality, but only in moderation - a very valuable asset for the girl who wants to please men.

Compliant girl

Father "iron" Margaret Thatcher once remarked: "Margaret - 99, 5% perfection. The rest of 0, 5% - this is what it could be, if it were just a little more accommodating."

Compliant - it's not the girl that does not have the right to vote, and always agrees with men. No, it would have seemed boring vast majority of them. But the ability not to offend the men's "sacred cows" and even, on the contrary, strongly cherish their men like.

In the role of the sacred cows are their hobbies, their friends, their careers, their parents. Plus a couple of individual items for each type of men of his style of dress, his dog or his sense of humor.

Regarding all this complaisant disputes and advance preparing compliments and leading questions - that a man could show off the fact that it is so expensive.

Funny girl

She is always cheerful fresh look - as if she had just arrived from the countryside clean. It is rarely seen in a bad mood.

She loves to laugh, loves the big companies, has many friends, male and female. It does not say bad things about others and herself singing the praises of all and sundry.

Next to a girl, even the most desperate pessimists blossom and come to the conclusion that life is not as bad as it seemed until recently. And ... I can not depart from it.

Because men are quite a few gloomy figures, for the chance to have an affair with her is usually a serious struggle. What's important, all competing for sure know that even if they lose their self-esteem will not be dealt a severe blow. Such a situation, it is also able to resolve a lot of fun.

What kind of girls do you like guys, what women like men

 What kind of girls do you like guys, what women like men

What men like in girls and what girls like guys?

The way to a man's heart is predictable. But sorely mistaken are those who think that it is paved with homemade burgers. After mass surveys of the male population, we can confidently say that the men know perfectly well what girls they like, and what does not.

First they carefully look out in the crowd, and the latter tend to sidestep.

Natural girl

Her style - maximum naturalness. In everything from clothes to the manner of meeting new people, including males. Just do not take it literally. Girl in shapeless overalls and a canvas without a hint of make-up is not a man's dream represents.

Naturally in the understanding of men - this job is not visible to the eye. For example, he would gladly give you the title of "Miss Perfect figure", if you deliver him from the details: how many weeks did you have to spend in the fitness room, and that includes a famous Hollywood diet.

She knows the recipe for an absolute success! All short and tight, the most open. As a "spice" - a bottomless necklines and high heels. And all this combined with the habit of calling things by their proper names, and people.

Someone will say, "A little too ..." She did not agree. This pathetic babble - the lot of those who are less fortunate with the figure and the brains. And she likes to emphasize its advantages.

What men like in girls And if a few scares men sharpen its statements, the miniskirt and cleavage suggest, that it is ready to join in the game. An exciting combination, according to the most men!

Naughty Girl

Of course, the gentle, do not tend to play up the girls also have a chance. Especially if she is ready to listen to hours of football reports and meekly hosting companies, fell out of the club (the pub, long-distance trains, etc.). But the capricious charming - apart from the competition.

The girl does not like this type of excuses and sacrifice himself. And men like it because keeping them in good shape. Her antics they find funny, and requirements - appropriate.

What's the secret? It is important not to go too far. She knows when to stop. And will not require the man, that he threw a favorite sweater or off in front of everyone to walk miniature pinscher dressed in hideous woolen waistcoat.

Girls dreamer  

Even as a child you were taught that lying is disgusting, it's time to adjust the uncompromising views. It turns out that the majority of men do not have anything against the "little lie". In contrast to the "big lie," she said, according to them, helping to smooth the sharp points and eliminates the tedious details.

The question "Where have you been?" Does not have to answer that you went to see my mother, who once again said, "Honey, this guy you're wasting your time!" Say it with her friends sitting in a cafe and wash up bones of her boyfriend. Naturally, he wants to know what friends say about him.

What kind of girls do you like guys: As a result, around his person zavyazhetsya awfully nice chatter - he likes it. And when it comes to your ex, you tell stories, from which once I wept, so that he would die of laughter. The ability to embellish reality, but only in moderation - a very valuable asset for the girl who wants to please men.

Compliant girl

Father "iron" Margaret Thatcher once remarked: "Margaret - 99, 5% perfection. The rest of 0, 5% - this is what it could be, if it were just a little more accommodating."

Compliant - it's not the girl that does not have the right to vote, and always agrees with men. No, it would have seemed boring vast majority of them. But the ability not to offend the men's "sacred cows" and even, on the contrary, strongly cherish their men like.

In the role of the sacred cows are their hobbies, their friends, their careers, their parents. Plus a couple of individual items for each type of men of his style of dress, his dog or his sense of humor.

Regarding all this complaisant disputes and advance preparing compliments and leading questions - that a man could show off the fact that it is so expensive.

Funny girl

She is always cheerful fresh look - as if she had just arrived from the countryside clean. It is rarely seen in a bad mood.

She loves to laugh, loves the big companies, has many friends, male and female. It does not say bad things about others and herself singing the praises of all and sundry.

Next to a girl, even the most desperate pessimists blossom and come to the conclusion that life is not as bad as it seemed until recently. And ... I can not depart from it.

Because men are quite a few gloomy figures, for the chance to have an affair with her is usually a serious struggle. What's important, all competing for sure know that even if they lose their self-esteem will not be dealt a severe blow. Such a situation, it is also able to resolve a lot of fun.
