Beach passions, indulging in love

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Beach passions, indulging in love
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Beach passions: on the beach, in the water and under water.

Beach - a place, located not only to relax and abandon everything but make love. Waves, sand, sunset, wet body ... It is not surprising that impassioned experiments on the shore and in the water - it is not uncommon. Tell me how to make love on the beach so as to obtain the maximum enjoyment from the process.

Well, who has not dreamed at least once to be on a desert island, love indulging in the open air when he wants? Surely, such a dream at least once visited each person.

But if every thought that when frivolous approach " Beach "sex there is a danger, received physical pleasure, ill, not only spoil your holiday, but also to pay for their carelessness?

So, if you - not on a desert island, and at the very lived-in and equipped beach, which attracts not only make more and more sexual exploits, but also a "densely populated" vacationers. Abandon conceived or still take the risk to shock?

Of course, it all depends on your desire emancipation and power. But do not forget that sex on the beach - a violation of law and order, for which you risk being fined.

In addition, it should be remembered that in countries with Muslim, for example, you can not only fine, but put in jail for a while. Think, is it worth your entertainment. You may fully satisfy the wild sex on the beach.

Nothing stops you? Then we move on to the details. In principle, beach sex can be divided into four categories - on the shore, at the edge of or slightly behind the edge of the water, and in water, respectively, under water. Therefore it is best to parse each species separately.

1. Sex on the shore

Accident prevention

If you desire caught up in broad daylight, do not neglect protection measures against sunburn or heat stroke: choose a place on the beach under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. In addition, apply a layer of sunscreen body thicker than usual.

Do not forget that having sex on the bare sand is fraught with irritation, itching, and is unlikely to make breathtaking. Sand, adhering to the body, is beautiful only in pictures. In fact, he will stop, annoying and nasty squeak on the teeth. Therefore, sex is better to deal with, sitting in a lounge chair or bed on a large sandy beach towel.

Contraception and hygiene

It is perfectly possible to use one type of contraception, are accustomed to, including condoms. With regard to hygiene, before starting intercourse is better to visit a shower. In an extreme case, you should use wet hypoallergenic wipes for personal hygiene.


In principle, pose for sex on the beach fit all. All the subtlety of their application is only, whether you are on a public or a wild beach. In the second case, you can indulge in passion as you please, but first ... You do not want to scare you little kids that are around is full? Then you should probably try the following postures.

Massage and camouflage.

Partner lies on his back, partner sits on top and starts to slowly make friction rises. Partner massaging her back, creating a sense of innocent procedures not massage, not the application of funds from the sun. The main thing - to hide behind a towel.

Massage and camouflage in a deck chair.

A man sits in the middle of the deck chairs, bent his legs and pelvis leaning on their own shin. The woman lies on her stomach on a beach chair, one leg down to the ground, and the other resting on his thigh partner. Sex gets a long and delicate because the posture requires a sufficient voltage and skills from partners. For masking is also used massage partner back darling.

2. In the surf zone

These include how to sex at the water's edge, which in raid waves only occasionally touches your naked bodies, and with the immersion of the body for 10-15 cm in the water surface.

Accident prevention

Unfortunately, during the day you will not be able to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun - is what to wear hats and sunglasses. No matter how thick you do not apply the cream against sunburn, it is still partially washed away, and partly erased from contact with sand.

So you'd better move the event for the evening, when the beach is deserted, and the rays of the setting sun - not the persecutors.

Also be sure that the water in any case should not cover the face, or at the time of rolling waves fall into the mouth or nose - or your sex may result in not only the artificial respiration on the beach, but not erotic journey to a local hospital.

Contraception and hygiene

Firstly, in contact with water most of the lubricant will be washed away, so if you plan to have sex in a condom, remember that oil-based lubricants damage latex - buy a special water-based lubricant.

Second, sea water - water with high salt content, which could cause irritation to the delicate skin of the genitals and the vaginal mucosa, which can damage the salt, leading to serious diseases.

Third, the water - an increased source of danger: it is free "live" a lot of harmful bacteria and microbes. "Rested" so you can go home with a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases and other "pleasures."

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What irritates men in women

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What irritates men in women
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A very useful article for women. Let's see what it is annoying men and women.

Man annoyed that he did not like in himself, and a reminder of his own shortcomings, failures and blunders (but it is almost the same, or how to look at themselves in the mirror

and see deservedly earned a black eye). Such is the property of the human ego.

Any irritation caused discontent, dissatisfaction with oneself, and female behavior - just an excuse to release negative emotions and children's excuse for his behavior.

In order not to be annoyed at all, man must work on yourself, love yourself and change. And what woman? Me too, as I was the other person - a useless thing.

And you can start small: watch closely, as if from outside, for themselves, for their behaviors. For each model of behavior is its own subconscious behavioral program, often harmful due to their psychological causes.

Running out of every psychoanalyst too expensive. Consciously look after themselves - an effective and free method, by the way, and transforming weaknesses.

Here, dear women, your basic behaviors, according to statistics particularly annoying men.

NOTE them in himself, and track time, brake slightly, still watching, this is important. And do it not for men, but for themselves. Strange sounds? But believe me, it will be a hundred times more productive.

The manifestation of jealousy.

Jealousy - a very harmful comprehensive feeling. It destroys love, family, health. Your jealousy is sure to affect the health of not only your, but also your children (especially under 7 years), sooner or later it will attract real lover to your man, and then burst into tears and continued to worsen your life, you will say, "I I knew it! "

Jealousy has no excuse! Even if a man is looking for something on the side, that's no reason to be jealous, and the bell loud fight: it is necessary to change. And I was never too late. But it is better to avoid this, the following tracking their behaviors (if they are, of course, you are).


For any criticism is the desire to change, fix, adjust under its own way, under his view of the world. Critics say that his opinion is the correct one. Pride does not allow him to accept the fact that everyone has their own world, and give to the world the right to be different.

Criticism - is aggression directed outward. Critique The world does not alter, but hurt yourself - elementary. Remember the law of the Boomerang.

You criticize the important things on your mind (the behavior of her husband, children, other people, the government, etc.) or cash (poorly painted lips met a woman, badly laid out things in a shop window, etc.) - all this is a manifestation of aggression.

Anyone, feel aggression, always take a defensive position, and catch your slack, can hit hard, no matter in what form will retaliate.

Most often retaliations energy, they are not outwardly visible, but no less dangerous than the verbal and physical, and lead to your depression and your health violations. So whether it is necessary to criticize anything and anyone?

Using sex as a weapon.

This is pure manipulation. Manipulation - this violence. Those who suffer violence on themselves? Even the weakest person will sooner or later rise. Showing violence, even in the form of manipulation, you also harms itself: necessarily work law Boomerang - What goes around, comes around.

Wishes to manipulate you will certainly appear in your way. Violence is manifested towards you, and from an unexpected side.


Any pretense - is a fraud, and any cheating, sooner or later be revealed. For deception is the desire to receive for himself any benefit, advantage. Law of Giving is broken, and you eventually get is not what you wanted, but quite the contrary. Your cheating unconsciously recognized the man and his guards.


Your pandering subconsciously reminds man of his own weakness and provokes to prove their strength, "wipe your feet on the rag." Understand yourself, where did you get it too low sense of self worth, fix it, and not man, and will come into your life even more "fierce" teacher.

The requirement for constant (unnecessary) attention and care.

It is a manifestation of hidden manipulation with all its consequences. In addition, it is a violation of the Law of Giving. The more you give, the more you get. The size is inversely proportional to the received claims and is directly proportional to give.

And yet, everyone has the right, the physiological need to be alone, alone with himself, with his thoughts and feelings. Do not limit this right.

The manifestation of the permanent (excessive) attention and care.

Here we must bear in mind two possible reasons. The first - your control over the world, including over your man. This is very bad for you in the first place, since it leads to frustration, to disease. The world, as well as another person, do not change.

World accurately reflect your perception of it, your point of view about this most of your world. Other people have a different world, a different view of the world. It is useless to change the mirror, it will still reflect the fact that it faces.

Your concern in this case is subconsciously perceived as a man of violence. Second - you have taken on the role of the mother, giving man the role of a child. Well, what kind of relationship at the same time you expect?

Remember your behavior in your childhood, his nihilism and resistance. Help the man to be a man, stop

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