Girlfriend-razluchnitsa: urgently find and neutralize!

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Girlfriend-razluchnitsa: urgently find and neutralize!
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Can I trust her?

1. Your girlfriend though sometimes lowers your self-esteem?

2. Do different tact and did not immediately understand, if that causes you discomfort?

3. It may be in the feelings of other people to sacrifice for the sake of profit?

4. to join with you in the unspoken competition who are better dressed, made up, and so on. D.?

5. A part of me, or the men she changed lovers, which it is easy to throw?

6. Can meet with a married man, even if only for sex and once?

7. Believes that her man's logic and that with men it is easier?

8. It is often able to force you to do what she needed, and you do not want, like, "You should, we're friends?"

9. In its last lot some insidious "enemies" and "traitors"?

10. It can sometimes behave like a child, and take offense at trifles?

If 5 of 10 questions you answered "yes", it means that there is a danger of confidence.

If the 8 questions "yes", to communicate with her family outside the womb.

Psychological workshop


What can be done together with a friend?

You can not let a girlfriend and even strangers in their romance and intimate experiences. Do not talk in detail, how great is your man in bed, a friend might want to go through the same experience.

And you'll lose your power of personal relationships. Do not involve your girlfriend at all family events and make their home. In friendship, too, there is a distance. Follow it.

The first alarms

It should be alert and careful observer to take a position if:

It becomes a friend to visit you more often and stay longer;

you notice involuntary touching arms, shoulders, hips;

Sometimes they throw at each other special, appraising glance;

girlfriend became too interested in your relationship, and especially the question, "How are you doing in bed? "

If you've noticed a spark between them

They flirt? Needless to sit in a corner and sulk, showing resentment. Nor should immediately arrange bloody showdown.

Firstly, it may be an innocent flirtation, nothing you do not threatening. And the very fact of your jealousy brings them together, even if they have no trace of thought was not.

And secondly, you need to dress up and flirt with her husband, too. Apparently, he just did not have enough flirting. If you see that between them has already begun for some magic, it can be destroyed.

In a familiar pair of husband carried away by an unmarried friend of his wife. That instead of jealousy in light jokingly said to her husband: "If you want her, please! Moreover, she did not have one for a long time. " From such a daring resolution wife missing part of the mystery - in fact the fruit is no longer forbidden.

And his wife made it clear that she is quite confident. Husband of guilt and that the traces he suggested saying, and let's introduce her to my bachelor friend. Acquaintance, friend, and a friend on the first night are together in bed. And my husband is not interested in this woman.

He's hoping that she felt for him a unique feeling. In no event it is impossible to arrange visual competition with a friend of her husband. If he was so engrossed in conversation with her, pulling the conversation with his friend. Make him fight for your attention.

If you are sure that their relationship has gone far away, and it torments you, you can ask gently but bluntly: "Honey, it may be stupid, I'm sorry, but you know, jealous, no strength. And it hurts me. Can you tell me how to eat? I promise to you that the longer this will not come. I believe you anyway. "

You need to articulate their fears. Otherwise, nervousness is still manifest and lead to unnecessary conflicts.

Whatever it was, he would answer. If you tell lies - it is his right. They lie to those who love and want to keep. No need for him to follow and look for clues. If he had sex, then for men it means a lot less than for women. Trust and confidence - the best strategy.


If there is the fact of treason, the victim is in a dilemma: to part with both apostate, or someone to save?

The psychologist Irina OVANESYANTS:

"Give a man! "

- Of course, in the 14 - 16 years of age must choose a girlfriend. Because all these "recapture boy" - a common teenage self-assertion. You've got three boys repulsed, you stole her fourth. But then, this relationship is likely to be the most reliable.

It's like a joke that the most faithful wife - a prostitute. And if the friend you love a lot more, and you can forgive her betrayal, you also need to choose a friend.

But as an adult you need to choose a man with whom many completed. He could stumble once, but that's not a reason to throw soulmate and his half. If this is love, it is not necessary to suppress offenses.

Journalist Dasha Zavgorodniy:

"I - friendship"

- Moscow - the city of girlfriends. Our metropolis firmly enmeshed in an invisible network of female relationships. You can be sure: there is the blonde in front of the subway - a girlfriend your girlfriend in advertising stocking removed your friend's friend. Female friendship no barriers - neither age nor hierarchical.

I have a girlfriend 25 years older than me and younger than 20. Among them - and my mother, and teacher of literature and cousin 16 years. I have a girlfriend who I have fought off the men. I take offense to death, but the life-giving glasses of tea after all the insults evaporated like French perfume Polish spill.

Men can let arrogant puns such as "Female friendship is strong to the first man." But we can not admit that the problem of men "with him nothing to drink" between women does not exist. PhD easily find a common language with the hairdresser, if both - women. We are united by the four eternal theme: male, kitchen, dress the children.

We practiced for centuries and so they dragged that now we are able to understand each other perfectly. Agreed. Because we have a purely feminine property of love - without conditions, motherly. Not only children, but also dogs, both male and female friends.

I agree: there are people who envy podsizhivayut destroy families. Calculate false friend is easy: it looks for an alliance against anyone in the world. Next to such a "friend" and very easy to fall into the "enemies". Make friends sensibly. And with women and with men. A lack of emotional poachers both sexes.

Yumoristka Elena Sparrow:

"I destroyed her friends after her husband's infidelity! "

- I have no friends. You know, like in the movie: I destroyed them! I tried a couple of times to have a girlfriend. But every time it turns ... One of the examples of cases was in St. Petersburg. Led girlfriend's house, began to chat with her tightly. "God - I think - how cool! "

And it all ended with the collapse of the family. Maybe if my husband and I then stood up, went to Moscow together ... Together is always easier. But it turned out a classic situation. It hurts. But I survived.

What do you think about girlfriends?

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Men's bad habits, benefit from them

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Men's bad habits, benefit from them
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He eats too much! And you, once again sitting on a diet, his appetite terribly annoying

Why is he doing

The average man needs more food than women, because it has more muscle mass, which burns more calories. You, conducting the whole day in the office at the computer, it takes no more than 1,800 calories a day, he at the same work - 2200 kcal. In addition, men far less critical of themselves than women. They do not consider it necessary to bring its weight to degenerative or killed because of the small (or solid) tummy.

How to benefit from it

What kind of muck you eat while sitting on her diet, if someone else's view of food makes you jealous? It is time to replace your nasty dishes better and more appetizing. Or maybe it is necessary to take her husband's example in the main not to be tormented because of his plump figure and allow yourself to anything like as long as it does not harm health?

He's always in your presence flirting with other women, and you're afraid that he'll not change

Why is he doing

He was not sure of their own attractiveness and tries his success with other women make a lasting impression on you. If he wanted you to someone change - I am sure you have heard about it last, as in the men's arsenal there are a hundred and one ways to arrange a date and realize the desired unbeknownst to his wife or girlfriend.

How to benefit from it

His behavior gives you a wonderful opportunity to make it a gentle and loyal lover. Tell him this morning, he is handsome as irresistibly sexy - and you will see the result in the evening of the same day. Repeat compliments more often, keep his self-esteem kind word - and six months later it will start to give you flowers and throw flirt with other women. Oh, the hussy continue to flirt with him without any provocation on his part? What a terrific man you got!

He says only about what is interesting to him about politics, about sports, about the theory of relativity or about your car, and do not want to discuss family life, your friend

Why is he doing

Men have traditionally focused on the real achievements: as a career, to fix a chandelier, discover a new planet, improve our lives. Women are important nuances of human relations, so we are happy to gossip, was fond of psychology and read novels.

How to benefit from it

Rejoice opportunity to expand their horizons: read the newspaper, listen to the news on television, look to the Internet. Believe me, a lot more fun to gossip about his personal life influence of Condoleezza Rice on US foreign policy than about another betrayal Sidorova your sad friend.

Wherever you go in the car, he never anybody did not ask for directions, always calls in the wrong place and in response to all your calls find their way around the map, snarls: "If you're so smart, she sit down behind the wheel! "

Why is he doing

For each male to ask someone to sign the Council is helpless. And if he is alone able to transcend ego and wonder what the road leads in Preili, in the presence of the woman he loved - ever!

How to benefit from it

It's time to learn to drive and get the right to do in case of need to take the wheel in their hands. He is still no one to ask for directions, but will cease to nag at you.

Author: Galina Zaitseva

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