Summer fling


Summer fling

Light novel on summer vacation. In short connection holiday romance has its own charm: you can feel beautiful and desirable, to enhance their feminine self-esteem, learn something completely new from the practical stand, from the soul to have fun

or acquire at least some skill in dealing with men. And then you parted, and no one will remind you of the mistakes committed by thee or immodest behavior. So you go for a vacation alone.

Your soul longs for romantic adventures, friends and relatives sternly warn you by casual relationships, and no one to ask for advice on how to be. Let's break down the order than the love of pleasure is good and what is dangerous ...

So, the pros holiday romance:

* You get a healthy positive emotions.

* Do you speak in front of a new friend in different roles, such as a fatal seductress or a humble girl from the provinces. The game perfectly entertains and allows a variety of techniques to hone flirting.

* You can not depict anything and afford to be the interpretation. One of my female friends all ten years of marriage jumped up every morning for half an hour before the husband, to have time to make up to his awakening. But on vacation found that the ability to please men at 7 am for breakfast at peeling nose, without lipstick on her lips and without mascara on the eyelashes. Resort Don Juan showed her how pretty and attractive woman, just choose from a warm bed.

* Positive emotions you are taking with them.

* If you are married, a holiday romance will allow you to acquire sexual experience without the threat of exposure and risk to family ties.

 Rows of letters of our readers: "After my illness, my husband sent me on a cruise ship, and he stayed home with the children. On the boat I met a young man much younger than me, who taught me the physical side of love. It took a few years. I've always loved and love only her husband and always remember with gratitude his young friend, I knew how good sex, and our sex life with her husband blossomed, now we are even closer to each other. "

* Failures stay at the resort, and you go home with a sense of great relief.

* If you are alone, there is always a chance that the holiday romance develop into something more serious, the world is open, planes fly fast and stormy relationship with charming Greek able to complete a marriage or long enjoyable relationship.

Cons holiday romance:

* Sexually transmitted diseases. We change from minus to plus: extra strong condom gives almost absolute guarantee of safety for sex. Additionally, you can use the "farmateks" - disinfectant with a slight contraceptive effect, in the form of a paste or a pellet. Used woman for a few minutes before sexual intercourse. Stock up and both of them should be at home. Wear reserves most convenient purse.

* Suddenly you will fall a sex maniac, a serial killer or a hotel thief? We change from minus to plus: the vigilance never hurts. Think whether you dine by overheated closeness of the European women local man, if you're not sure you want to reach the end.

* Flirting with an attractive stranger, do not go to the first night of drinking coffee to his room or apartment, do not walk with him on a deserted beach at night. It is better to have sex somewhere behind a palm tree in the lobby, to have someone to respond to your calls for help. Borrow someone else's experience to meet the immediate needs of some of the ladies of sexual safety purpose responsive staff. All valuables and money hand over in a locker away.

* Your casual lover's using you as a toy to satisfy their sexual desires, and you feel humiliated. We change from minus to plus: use it for the same purpose!

* You woke up this morning, and near an unknown man. We change from minus to plus: always ask the name of the person with whom you eat dinner before the first glass of champagne. If you love the night was successful, and the name of the head is still completely taken off, saying, "Good morning, dear, everything was just great. I'll see you after lunch." If he was so-so say the same thing, without the last phrase.

* Are you in love with him, and he is indifferent to you. We change from minus to plus: it is necessary to be ready for what love disappointments happen everywhere, not just in his hometown. But then you go from the object of his frustration over thousands of kilometers, and it will not be eight hours a day to hang around at the next computer or interfere with you face to face at the birthday girlfriend. As they say, out of sight, out of mind!

* He's in love with you, and you are indifferent to him. We change from minus to plus: never let casual acquaintances your phone number and your home address. Be mysterious.

Travel to the resorts are quite rare, holiday romance - even rarer.

Instead of waiting for next summer, another sea, another relaxing and romantic relationships, it is better to learn how to create a resort in that place and at that time, where you are now.

Learn how to build your own personal life, creating a romantic holiday romance in the city and in the days of scorching sun and the winter cold.

But what about the main rules holiday novels? Here it is: "Never anything do not regret any of it was, nor of what had happened." Many women, losing their passion, feel guilty and depraved. And for good reason.

Look at your romantic adventure with the majestic peaks of psychology: what happened with you, is not an unfortunate accident, and natural stage of development of your personality. Some women find a short novel integral part of a good holiday. Some treason.

Your action will help you to work out its own position on this issue and stick to it. Or ... did not stick. Also a good option!

Holiday romance - love and passion in the summer night


Holiday romance - it's like a free creme brulee, inherited a wonderful girl for excellent behavior during the long and often boring years. In other words, there is, in his hometown, in the bonds of education, the family and education, you behave with dignity and revealing, but once the "captive" nature breaks out, and here's how it goes.

In such a case, no matter how you treat these (Fu, what indecency! Oh, yes to me, so not going to happen this ever in my life!) Sexual liberties on holiday by the sea, in the resort, ever did to you it can happen, you can become a party to the holiday adventure.

That's like home and everything is under control, and the romance in the resort plans did not dream, and he took it and turned the novel is this holiday.

Do you sunbathe on the south beach, all so beautiful, naked and flushed, calmly sipping a cocktail or voltage reading a fashion magazine, and suddenly you see it, beautiful, charming, smiling and seems no bad habits and financial difficulties, the resort is no financial difficulties and bad habit somehow transformed into a pleasant nuances.

Heart pounding, breath hitched, but you pretend that you do not see it as a beautiful stranger suddenly he begins to invite you to show sympathy, to lure and seduce. And you, in fact, it turns out, not against it. In general, then resist as near as Superman.

Relax, everyone likes compliments and enjoy.

The most basic thing - to try to avoid common mistakes inexperienced kurortnitsy. For example:

Invent yourself that you have all of this very seriously, and you should get married.

No, to get married, of course, you can! There are times when love characters holiday novels transferred its relationship to other dimensions, and even lived long, happy, and, interestingly, together. But it is rather a rare exception.

In everyday life, your hero is a piquant selling environment, it may be a good family man, he, too, would like to relax and have fun, not for nothing that he worked the full year, and may turn out to be a bore or an alcoholic, crazy, lady's finger, an idiot, but you never know who !

You are not required to show his documents and a certificate stating that he is not registered in the drug and mental hospital. And in general, what looks nice on holiday trifles in the gray everyday life can turn into a big pain in the most unattractive place. Whenever you sit down on it, oykaesh, Ike and scold myself, "Well, why, why did I do that ?!".

A splinter from a friend turned out a huge amount, not to mention the fact that he returned to his home, you came into our heads again become a wonderful girl waiting for the next portion of creme brulee, and it's still the same - cheerful, light, airy, and you're more likely to catch yourself thinking that it is not quite that ... smart. "Oh, God, and what have I done!"


Starting at the same time complicating the atmosphere

We, the women, oh, how it is respected. From scratch, we are willing to make small flies such large elephant, which, for obvious reasons, to wear a very heavy. Besides touches if lovely, lovely girl suddenly starts to convince (reflexes triggered) his Superman is that in fact it does "not so." "Do not think I do not like that! Yes, I'm nothing, but this is the first time!".

Or, just behave as an exemplary, wonderful and faithful wife: sewing buttons, holes darn kids to plan, ask about parents' and lowered his eyes at a meeting with other men.

Relax and Relax !!! Allow yourself not look the same as always, but quite the contrary: licentious, selfish, emancipated, frivolous! What do you need it all kinds of problems in the form of an evil wife (put yourself in her place, would you too angry if her husband went to rest without you), the room in a communal apartment, a brood of children, mothers, unfinished higher education!

Just tell yourself that it's not you (if they did not manage to get rid of the masks "good girl"), and someone else ... What other woman, the one on which you have always wanted to be like, but does not solve - bad girl!

Throw it own problems

"And I, you know, headaches" - you say a dull voice, that he was filled) or "That's the I unlucky and bang his head all of its numerous problems, including the story of how you greatly offended chief, second husband, a neighbor to testify, the first guy.

Stop! Otherwise, you risk the remainder lie on a beach vacation in an embrace with nedochitannym magazine that after a holiday romance ended suddenly no longer seem to you quite so exciting. And happiness was so close, oh.


Another concept holiday romance - a romantic adventure that you can choose at will (this time) and "write" on your script (the two). It is possible to rush, as in the pool with his head, and come up as soon as it ceases to be fun.

But to reach the top of the pleasures you will help the realization of benefits that give a short relationship with the unfamiliar Superman. You have to ask, what are they? And the most sorts! For example:

Love, love, love and passion ...

And it is very different, with the Prelude and lyrical digressions, wild and passionate, invigorating and toning, fast and slow, new and already mastered. In the sea, in the room, on the beach ... And how it affects self-esteem! Ah! What burning eyes meet women! Wow!

Kindly naeksperimentiruysya enough to have something to remember the long winter nights, and liked, you can continue to practice intensively and on his return to his home. Anyway, for a long time it is time to find out how little you feel about the different postures of love, and there is in your body, exhausted by numerous appearances, point G. Do what you want, how you want and with whom you want!

The lover does not know you.

It's so funny, suddenly feel the other, tell a story about myself, God knows what, so that approximately match the entire vacation. Or less.

Each woman must be artist! Any girl is obliged to be able to play. It reanimates what is left of acting ability, and improvise! Today sad tomorrow - whimsical, silly, intellectual, insidious seducer - pereprobuy taste different roles and get satisfaction from the result.

You do not need to adjust.

Yeah, do not get nervous and look for compromises, if he throws things, and you - a fanatic about! Let him throwing anything in their room. No need to lose weight quickly, tweeze eyebrows, repainted a brunette, because he was such like, to quit smoking. Everything in the garden!

You do not need to put up with it various disadvantages, because to live with him as you do not threaten. Whether by itself and give him the opportunity, do yourself a rest and "leave without masks."

Peaceful relations without quarrels.

Well, how can there be an argument, really, when you can always very kind and amicable (literally) to agree. And a quarrel no special. Well, except that your temperamental lover jealous you for another man. In small doses, it is even useful.

Only you, he said, the sea, the sun, the beach and love!
