The relationship after the divorce, how to divide the child
If the family fell apart, the husband and wife took the last chorus of the solution - get divorced, there is still hope that in the future they will establish their fate. But always it remains open and very painful question: what about the children?
In Western countries, often issued joint custody: for example, the month the child lives with mom month - the Pope. Legally, this is an option we have, but in practice it - a rarity. Maybe not the mentality, the former spouses bad imagine how it is possible to throw the baby, yes even the teenager, back and forth like a ball.
In Russia, in the polls most children remain with their mother. However, in recent years, fathers insistently defend their rights and, sometimes, the courts win. Statistics says: the child is to live with my dad in 6% of cases. The figure is still small, but it is, judging by the current tendency to grow.
In any case, the former spouses should try to alleviate the situation and not to go to court, do not wag the nerves themselves and the child. The easiest option - the conclusion of an agreement between the parents, who will determine with whom the children will live and how they will communicate with the other parent. Such a document called "Agreement for children", it is provided in Article 23 and paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Family Code.
Best of all, if the agreement will make a competent lawyer. He signed both spouses, then notarized. Without the participation of a notary can do, the law allows it, but in bad faith performance of the obligations by one of the parents of the document may be declared null and void and turn into ordinary paper
The agreement is made in three copies: two - for each of the former spouses, the third is kept by the notary. It is painted in detail: how many times and when faced with a child's father (if the children were to live with his mother), he helps financially involved in education, whether the right to carry son or daughter to rest, and so on. D.
If parents are not able to negotiate amicably, the place of residence of the child and the amount of support determined by the court at the suit of mom or dad. Note, this process will not add you to the mood: the courts will have to shake up your life. They are required to check the conditions in each of the parents, their material income, inquired about the availability of harmful habits and lifestyle in general.
This will be a very nasty story involving children. If the child is already 10 years old, he will participate in the hearing and to answer the question, who would want to live. His wish the court must take into account, but not the fact that will perform, and other important circumstances.
For example, a son or daughter will choose the father, but leave them still with their mother. And my mom would be offended, and children, on the one hand, will feel traitors, on the other - cheated, because their opinions are not heard. And then they live together?
After a loud litigation problems usually do not become less. Let go at the will of the father often "forgets" to pay alimony, stubbornly refuses to meet with the child. Or insult his mother in every way prevents dating literally pulls her ex-husband the stairs.
Both parents can apply to the court bailiffs, to try to use them to remove the problem. Likewise, children are entitled to do and if it 10 years or more. Practice, however, shows that police officers decide the issue very slowly, during this time you will lose his last strength, health and nerves. And children, as if they were not bad, do not seek help and never left alone with their troubles.
If the parents - people are normal, adequate, they just have to agree among themselves in a civilized way and to keep his word. And also - at least outwardly maintain smooth relations after the divorce. Otherwise, will suffer your poor children.
The relationship after the divorce, how to divide the child
If the family fell apart, the husband and wife took the last chorus of the solution - get divorced, there is still hope that in the future they will establish their fate. But always it remains open and very painful question: what about the children?
In Western countries, often issued joint custody: for example, the month the child lives with mom month - the Pope. Legally, this is an option we have, but in practice it - a rarity. Maybe not the mentality, the former spouses bad imagine how it is possible to throw the baby, yes even the teenager, back and forth like a ball.
In Russia, in the polls most children remain with their mother. However, in recent years, fathers insistently defend their rights and, sometimes, the courts win. Statistics says: the child is to live with my dad in 6% of cases. The figure is still small, but it is, judging by the current tendency to grow.
In any case, the former spouses should try to alleviate the situation and not to go to court, do not wag the nerves themselves and the child. The easiest option - the conclusion of an agreement between the parents, who will determine with whom the children will live and how they will communicate with the other parent. Such a document called "Agreement for children", it is provided in Article 23 and paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Family Code.
Best of all, if the agreement will make a competent lawyer. He signed both spouses, then notarized. Without the participation of a notary can do, the law allows it, but in bad faith performance of the obligations by one of the parents of the document may be declared null and void and turn into ordinary paper
The agreement is made in three copies: two - for each of the former spouses, the third is kept by the notary. It is painted in detail: how many times and when faced with a child's father (if the children were to live with his mother), he helps financially involved in education, whether the right to carry son or daughter to rest, and so on. D.
If parents are not able to negotiate amicably, the place of residence of the child and the amount of support determined by the court at the suit of mom or dad. Note, this process will not add you to the mood: the courts will have to shake up your life. They are required to check the conditions in each of the parents, their material income, inquired about the availability of harmful habits and lifestyle in general.
This will be a very nasty story involving children. If the child is already 10 years old, he will participate in the hearing and to answer the question, who would want to live. His wish the court must take into account, but not the fact that will perform, and other important circumstances.
For example, a son or daughter will choose the father, but leave them still with their mother. And my mom would be offended, and children, on the one hand, will feel traitors, on the other - cheated, because their opinions are not heard. And then they live together?
After a loud litigation problems usually do not become less. Let go at the will of the father often "forgets" to pay alimony, stubbornly refuses to meet with the child. Or insult his mother in every way prevents dating literally pulls her ex-husband the stairs.
Both parents can apply to the court bailiffs, to try to use them to remove the problem. Likewise, children are entitled to do and if it 10 years or more. Practice, however, shows that police officers decide the issue very slowly, during this time you will lose his last strength, health and nerves. And children, as if they were not bad, do not seek help and never left alone with their troubles.
If the parents - people are normal, adequate, they just have to agree among themselves in a civilized way and to keep his word. And also - at least outwardly maintain smooth relations after the divorce. Otherwise, will suffer your poor children.
How to manage a man that a woman should do
Table of contents
How to manage a man that a woman should do
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For many women the question is: how to make a man do all the things that we want to buy from another gown, ending weekends spent at Tiffany. To achieve the desired, it is not necessary to arrange a tantrum and shed tears.
There are other ways to achieve the desired, which are just six simple rules.
Manage anyone (including man) is not a simple exercise. The above tantrums and tears produce the opposite effect, they do not help to control the man, but rather the contrary, infuriated him.
Despite the fact that we want to get away from the men, whether buying shoes or a ban on his Saturday meeting with friends, important thing to remember about the specific rules of its taming. But first consider the basic mistakes that often allow the fair sex. And so, what you should not do?
1. Do not blackmailing him
There are different kinds of intimidation: for example, if we manipulate his feelings: "If you love me, then ..." infringes its status, "a real man not have done to" blackmailing her emotions: "If you do not, I will be badly".
Similar phrases never let you control the man rather cause a backlash. According to psychologists, this behavior will not bring positive results, but on the contrary he may appear such habits as lying, suspicion, secrecy and so on.
2. Do not compare him with other men
It belittles his dignity and causes negative feelings and emotions. In response to such comparison, a man can simply just go in search of a woman, for which he will be the best.
3. Not satisfied with tantrums
Most of the ladies are convinced that this is the most effective technique to achieve the desired result.
In some situations, it is possible and it is one of the ways to manipulate men, but not always, rather it works in the beginning of the relationship. In the later stages of such behavior in men causes negative emotions, such as irritation.
4. Do not try to speak their language
There are situations when you want something to convince the man, but we women do it far more difficult, if it did another man. Language of men and women - are two completely different things. It is not necessary to go into its own language, it is better to be a woman in the fullest sense of the word.
5. Do not commanded man
Try as little as possible to use verbs in the imperative when dealing with a man, or better yet, do not use them. According to psychologists on self-sufficient men such communication does not work, and even if they bring some results, it is clearly not the ones to which you want.
And now I come to the main point: what should a woman do a man to do everything she wants?