Early menopause in women, the main causes and symptoms
"Early menopause" occurs between the ages of 40 years. The term itself is used as a time for those cases when it occurs in this period. Menopause is the end of an active reproductive capacity of women.
This is a natural and inevitable phenomenon occurring, usually from 45 to 55 years. Its symptoms may occur before, until a specified age.
Causes of early menopause
This condition is the result of possible diseases that led to clearly premature aging of the ovaries. This may contribute to chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, mumps.
Few and treatments, namely a tubal ligation, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hysterectomy, surgery on the fallopian tubes, can lead to premature "start" menopause.
Other factors (smoking, stress, genetic predisposition) may also appear thereby "starting gun".
Menopause - this is a condition that severely affects the lives of women. Her body goes through many changes. The ovaries produce less hormones, egg production ceases. These changes are making a significant contribution to the development of emotional and physical symptoms.
The main signs and symptoms
Consider the 5 main symptoms are often observed in women in early menopause:
1.Izmenenie menstruation cycle. His breaking - one of the common symptoms. With the reduction of ovulation and the subsequent change in hormone levels, the menstrual cycle is irregular, with breaks for months.
But there is the question of full menopause. Menstrual cycles may be less or more abundant, and the intervals of increase or decrease.
2.Besplodie. Menopause - this is the end of the reproductive capacity of women, so the conception of the child in any way it is impossible, as it were, that would not be desirable.
3.Vaginalnye changes. The vagina becomes drier, there is vaginal atrophy. This is due to the sharp decline in female estrogen production in the body.
Their low level of dry vagina, making it less elastic, affecting, alas, and your sex life. Sexual intercourse may be painful. However, there are ways to prevent vaginal dryness and improve sexual performance.
4. Night sweats and hot flashes. This is one the most common symptom. Following the name suggests, it is a feeling of excessive heat, which occurs spontaneously. Typically, this sense the most active in the chest, in the region of the face and neck.
The frequency of hot flashes varies from daily to weekly. There are various medications and herbs that can help in controlling the tides. Some women are also concerned about night sweats, which, of course, interfere with sleep.
5. Emotional outbursts and headache. Most common in women experiencing early menopause is.
Such women may feel almost all of the symptoms. In addition, they can be confusing anxiety, irritability, mood swings, low self-esteem, depression.
Out loud about it, the means and rules of personal hygiene
For some reason, everyone wants to give special attention to the care of the person, but hesitate to talk about it. But this is not a joke. Personal hygiene is very important and requires the same care and concern. It goes exactly that. Today, almost every women's store has a huge range of products that are specifically designed for intimate hygiene.
Let's elaborate on what we offer.
Polls show that women do not even know about the existence of some media and especially do not know how to use them for other purposes. In the store, they just pass by the shelves with such products. For many hygiene is soap and water and towel. But it is not so!
Let's take a closer look with the means of intimate hygiene.
Wet wipes for intimate hygiene
Each woman with him is always a paper and wet wipes for hands and face. But apart from such tissue, there are special wipes for personal hygiene.
Doctors are advised to pay attention to intimate places at least twice a day. And if you do not manage to take a shower, these wipes will help you out. They contain a special lotion, antiseptic.
In addition, they are struggling with an unpleasant odor. It is simply irreplaceable thing that will be useful at any time and in any place.
Soap and gel for intimate places
Soap intimate places it's not the soap that you wash your face, hands, body. It comes in various forms - it could be a bar of soap or liquid state.
With the addition of tea tree oil soap for intimate care contributes to the prevention of infectious diseases. A calendula and chamomile are natural antiseptic that prevents inflammation, which are possible with the use of ordinary soap.
Instead, you can use the soap gel. In principle, it has the same properties and has a composition similar to soap.
Daily laying
Another tool that can be used for personal hygiene - it's panty liners.
Fortunately, there is now a huge range of goods. But just a couple of centuries ago, instead of napkins women used scraps of fabric, with it several times.
But when choosing a panty liners pay special attention to the material from which they are made. That depends on him your safety and comfort.
However, some doctors say about the dangers of the use of panty liners. Since except selections for laying falls fungus, where it created ideal conditions for development.
Others allow the use of pads, but warn that you need to change them when dirty.
Well, of course, observe basic rules of hygiene
- Twice a day you need to wash. Warm water and hygiene. And it is better not to use a washcloth, so as not to damage the sensitive skin.
- The water jet and hand movements have to move from front to back.
- You must have a private towel. Soft and clean.
- During the month better to take a shower. It is not recommended to have sex. It is in this period, you risk earn inflammation.
- Try as little as possible to wear synthetic panties and tight pants. Because such clothes, your skin does not breathe. Best option - that's underwear made of cotton. And hygienic and convenient.
Early menopause in women, the main causes and symptoms
"Early menopause" occurs between the ages of 40 years. The term itself is used as a time for those cases when it occurs in this period. Menopause is the end of an active reproductive capacity of women.
This is a natural and inevitable phenomenon occurring, usually from 45 to 55 years. Its symptoms may occur before, until a specified age.
Causes of early menopause
This condition is the result of possible diseases that led to clearly premature aging of the ovaries. This may contribute to chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, mumps.
Few and treatments, namely a tubal ligation, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hysterectomy, surgery on the fallopian tubes, can lead to premature "start" menopause.
Other factors (smoking, stress, genetic predisposition) may also appear thereby "starting gun".
Menopause - this is a condition that severely affects the lives of women. Her body goes through many changes. The ovaries produce less hormones, egg production ceases. These changes are making a significant contribution to the development of emotional and physical symptoms.
The main signs and symptoms
Consider the 5 main symptoms are often observed in women in early menopause:
1.Izmenenie menstruation cycle. His breaking - one of the common symptoms. With the reduction of ovulation and the subsequent change in hormone levels, the menstrual cycle is irregular, with breaks for months.
But there is the question of full menopause. Menstrual cycles may be less or more abundant, and the intervals of increase or decrease.
2.Besplodie. Menopause - this is the end of the reproductive capacity of women, so the conception of the child in any way it is impossible, as it were, that would not be desirable.
3.Vaginalnye changes. The vagina becomes drier, there is vaginal atrophy. This is due to the sharp decline in female estrogen production in the body.
Their low level of dry vagina, making it less elastic, affecting, alas, and your sex life. Sexual intercourse may be painful. However, there are ways to prevent vaginal dryness and improve sexual performance.
4. Night sweats and hot flashes. This is one the most common symptom. Following the name suggests, it is a feeling of excessive heat, which occurs spontaneously. Typically, this sense the most active in the chest, in the region of the face and neck.
The frequency of hot flashes varies from daily to weekly. There are various medications and herbs that can help in controlling the tides. Some women are also concerned about night sweats, which, of course, interfere with sleep.
5. Emotional outbursts and headache. Most common in women experiencing early menopause is.
Such women may feel almost all of the symptoms. In addition, they can be confusing anxiety, irritability, mood swings, low self-esteem, depression.