The first signs of breast cancer and its diagnosis.


Symptoms of breast cancer are very diverse. They are caused by the tumor and shape, and its size, and the degree of localization. Discover malignancies as you can with the help of the survey (mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, etc.), and by self-diagnostics.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the appearance of the breast nodule, dense to the touch under the nipple or elsewhere;
  • changing its contours and position, retraction of the nipple or other area, an increase of one breast in size;
  • abnormalities of the skin: skin thickening ("lemon peel"), change the color of one of the areas (redness, blueness, yellowness) or shriveling, sores in the area of ​​the nipple or areola;
  • increase, often painful axillary lymph nodes;
  • nipple discharge (clear or bloody) when pressed.

It should be noted that the first signs of breast cancer and are similar to the symptoms of other breast diseases, such as mastitis and erysipelas: redness, pain, fever. Therefore, finding at least any such changes, you should immediately get advice mammalogy. Especially it concerns women after thirty years.

Methods of diagnosis of the disease

Modern oncology in the list of mandatory surveys include:

  1. Medical examination, mammalogy. Visit it must be in the 5-12 day from the start of menstruation. The doctor records the presence of skin changes, determines the symmetry of the breast, examining themselves breast and regional lymph nodes.
  2. A study by the mammography (a special X-ray machine). This method is very informative, it is recommended for women aged 40-50 years once a year or two older - every year. This will give a chance to identify tumors at an early, asymptomatic stage and successfully treated.
  3. Ductography - the study of mammary ducts by introducing a contrast agent into them, filling them. Unpainted voids testify intraductal tumors.
  4. Breast ultrasound. To confirm or exclude malignant tumors (eg, in the case of a cyst - a benign disease - symptoms may be similar).
  5. Biopsy - a fragment of the fence fabric for Micro studies. Appointed if US has not been able to determine the structure of the tumor.

To determine the degree of spread may be appointed, and additional tests: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, chest X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.

About frankly PMS, premenstrual syndrome how to win?

 Women Health

This difficult process that takes place every month in a woman's body, shrouded in many myths. It was uncomfortable to say, but the problem is this does not disappear. Try to understand what exactly is PMS, what are the symptoms, how it can be combated, what to expect from this difficult period, and whether it can be avoided.

Myths and Realities of the PMS

- Premenstrual syndrome is always present in the body of each woman. He proved himself once, this syndrome is manifested in women before menopause; In reality: the symptoms in only 10 out of 100 women. The syndrome is not a chronic disease, and therefore may appear to vanish.

- A woman with whom he pronounced, are inadequate, can not control the surge of emotion; In fact it's not. Often women themselves and wind the set up for the worst. Only a small number of women can not cope with their emotions and are prone to aggression.

- It is hereditary; In fact, that science has not yet confirmed this fact.

- Premenstrual syndrome can not be cured; In fact: this disease can and must be fought. If you make the effort, the syndrome can be overcome.


PMS - a consequence of the reduction in the amount of estrogen (the female hormone) to the "critical days". If you suffer from chronic diseases of the genitourinary and nervous system - a manifestation of the syndrome may be exacerbated.

The tendency to aggression, neuroses, inflammation of internal organs, constant stress, thyroid problems - the main causes of premenstrual syndrome. Women who do not give in to stress, struggle with depression, much less fall under the influence of hormones.

How not to confuse the bad character and PMS?

Often incontinence, bad habits and other disadvantages character perceived as premenstrual syndrome, but this is erroneous because it has certain symptoms: -regular mood swings before menstruation (7 - 5 days);

-plaksivost, hysteria, especially if the other days you have not observed tendency to cry on any occasion;

-More than a cross-section of the spine, especially if you have never suffered from osteochondrosis; -bessonnitsa; -headache; -gazoobrazovanie in the intestines (flatulence);

-Over the abdomen;

-obostrenie various chronic diseases;

scattering. This is only part of the symptoms, but in reality they a lot more. If you notice the presence of one or more symptoms, not only in this period, but for a month, most likely the problem is not a syndrome, as in the body.

How to deal with PMS?

Many women are concerned with the same question - with the help of which can be overcome premenstrual syndrome?

In those days, when beginning to show the first symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, you need a refill of vitamins in the body. For this purpose it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins and minerals, it is imperative that there were B vitamins This will help normalize sleep, reduce anxiety, relieve pain in the stomach, improve mood.

In addition to vitamins, it is necessary to fill in their body reserves of magnesium and calcium. In many cases, the lack of these minerals is the cause of premenstrual syndrome.

Magnesium is well relieves tension, calcium regulates nerve impulses prevents the pain. In addition, before menstruation a woman's body suffers from lack of water, and if not enough potassium in the body can cause edema. In the struggle with PMS helps the chocolate, it includes a lot of potassium, and he fights well with stress.

In fact, get rid of these troubles very easily:

- Stick to routines. These days you need to get enough sleep, the body can recover from the night;

- Do not drink, reduce the consumption of coffee, fizzy drinks - they have a negative effect on the body as a whole and on the nervous system, in particular;

- Excluded from the diet spicy and salty. These days it is better to switch to a healthy diet; - Try not to worry and not to peretruzhdaetsya. If you stay at work for a long time, now it is necessary to finish the day before;

- Do not drink tablets sedative-hypnotics, better replace them with tea and mint, valerian tincture;

- Avoid strenuous exercise. At this time it is better not to attend classes at the gym - they prefer an evening stroll, it will help to fall asleep faster and avoid headaches;

- Do not use the sauna. But you can go to the pool and spa treatments.

PMS - is not a sentence. Of course, every woman at least once in a lifetime experience specific manifestations of the disease, but it is in your power to avoid it, or make it less unpleasant influence. Compliance with a few simple rules, attentive, alert to their own health, guarantee you a good feeling throughout the cycle.

This will greatly simplify your life.

The first signs of breast cancer and its diagnosis.


Symptoms of breast cancer are very diverse. They are caused by the tumor and shape, and its size, and the degree of localization. Discover malignancies as you can with the help of the survey (mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, etc.), and by self-diagnostics.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the appearance of the breast nodule, dense to the touch under the nipple or elsewhere;
  • changing its contours and position, retraction of the nipple or other area, an increase of one breast in size;
  • abnormalities of the skin: skin thickening ("lemon peel"), change the color of one of the areas (redness, blueness, yellowness) or shriveling, sores in the area of ​​the nipple or areola;
  • increase, often painful axillary lymph nodes;
  • nipple discharge (clear or bloody) when pressed.

It should be noted that the first signs of breast cancer and are similar to the symptoms of other breast diseases, such as mastitis and erysipelas: redness, pain, fever. Therefore, finding at least any such changes, you should immediately get advice mammalogy. Especially it concerns women after thirty years.

Methods of diagnosis of the disease

Modern oncology in the list of mandatory surveys include:

  1. Medical examination, mammalogy. Visit it must be in the 5-12 day from the start of menstruation. The doctor records the presence of skin changes, determines the symmetry of the breast, examining themselves breast and regional lymph nodes.
  2. A study by the mammography (a special X-ray machine). This method is very informative, it is recommended for women aged 40-50 years once a year or two older - every year. This will give a chance to identify tumors at an early, asymptomatic stage and successfully treated.
  3. Ductography - the study of mammary ducts by introducing a contrast agent into them, filling them. Unpainted voids testify intraductal tumors.
  4. Breast ultrasound. To confirm or exclude malignant tumors (eg, in the case of a cyst - a benign disease - symptoms may be similar).
  5. Biopsy - a fragment of the fence fabric for Micro studies. Appointed if US has not been able to determine the structure of the tumor.

To determine the degree of spread may be appointed, and additional tests: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, chest X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.
