Congratulations to Yuri happy birthday poems

 Jura happy birthday

From a friend


You are cheerful, sociable and gregarious

The friend you are faithful in joy and in sorrow

It is always in the same positive

Let your light will always way

Yuri, is not old and does not change you,

Let the river flow happy year

And let blossom fortune bright flowers

And the heat will warm the hearts of all family

Happy birthday from a friend


With you, we have been together for many

And a lot of you and I have seen

But I know for sure, there is no such land

Where you would not be amused in sorrow

And there are no reasons to quit you

The feast or fight each other

We are always together, one dream for two

True, that Yuri got your merit

My friend does not pain you never

Be cheerful, drunk with happiness for no reason

And do not let him scare you, the

And the party avoids sadness, sorrow

From colleagues


Jura, dear you, our colleague

Congratulations to accept

We wish you happiness and success

Whether loved his wife and children

Let you always accompany

Good mood and laughing

May luck never leaves

Whether healthy, joyful all

Let the winter, even in severe frosts

I was warmed with friends you warmth

For you to bloom in January mimosa

To live you eternal spring


Yuri, happy birthday you!

You - a prominent man, business-like.

What do you wish for, I do not know,

For you in fact all the way open.

All beauty prostrate at your feet,

All the dreams in the process of incarnation.

Prosperity for all your business

I wish this birthday.


Yuri, happy birthday!

Fortunately for the family!

Good oblivion

The trembling of love!

Under all difficulties,

More kind words,

The chances and opportunities.

I am always ready!

Be ready for the challenges

And happy days,

By the wisdom of life

And great for ...

Joy, happiness to you

And all that,

What do you myself!

Best of all!


Let not a significant date,

Let not the round anniversary,

But your staff-guys

We are glad to congratulate you most.

I am happy with life and calm,

Let goes upstairs career.

Birthday, Yuri, you deserve

Get a whole load of gifts!

On this holiday, we wish you

Remember how important you are to us all.

We warmly congratulate you.

You - the best friend without embellishment!

Congratulations to Yura happy birthday humorous poems

 Yurchik birthday

From colleagues


All silenced the storm blew,

There was an evil bosses look ...

But I come to work our Jury,

He certainly save our party -

Sense of humor everyone will appreciate,

Hard work, cheerful mood.

We wish you a happy birthday!

Remember, Jura, colleagues with you!


Yuri in this holiday

all working team

We are pleased to congratulate you,

on your career field

Let no weed, no stone,

no other obstacles.

Happy birthday, dear Yury,

We are happy to congratulate you.

Not jealous colleagues,

behind not build gossip

Let the flying career of a hill,

and love flies there,

Let the director of all happy,

and relinquish its seat,

Be successful in their personal lives,

and in and on sale!

From friends


Sports figure,

Character - just a class.

When it comes to the Jura,

The girls are not before us.

But we all understand,

What are friends for?

Today Congratulations

We have the holiday for you!


Jura, you - the man we need!

In a sense, our dear friend,

Let the luck of life everywhere -

and career and his wife,

And with kids, and with vodka,

and with friends like us,

And with posture and with a salary,

so that in profile and full face

As stobaksovoy bill

everywhere glad privechali,

Suppose that in life if the notes -

the sound majeure.

Happy birthday, brisk,

Listen, we have drifted off somewhere,

We are long overdue note

couple toasting better than words!

From friend


Sobral you good company

On this holiday, birthday,

That's because a nice guy,

You, my friend Jura, without a doubt!

You, my friend, congratulations,

I wish you happiness and love.

So do not forget also, bear,

I, friend, pour the first!

From a friend


Ah, Yura! What you're cool!

Handsome man and personality!

So celebrate as my friend, I celebrate!

You have blessed the world, having been born!

I want to be a good friend,

And just a great guy -

All this is very simple:

You're just a stay!


Jura, you - a priceless storehouse

for any of his girlfriend,

You are responsive, nice, reliable,

you have a direct hand,

Fix, paint,

carnations drive into the base forever,

God, how many advantages

be a man!

Congratulations, Jura, sun,

happy birthday, he is a hero,

Come to me often,

we'll open the champagne

Chat, we raise a toast,

at the same time I vybesh mat

Come and see me more often,

here there is always a feat!
