Mechanical engineering - is one of the leading sectors of the economy of any highly urbanized countries, mainly heavy industry, including the advanced modern technology. Machine Engineer Day - a celebration of professional experts in engineering,
manufacturing, shipbuilding and, of course, engineering.
In turn, a set refers to mechanical engineering industries, producing a variety of instruments (optical, aviation, radio-electronic devices and others.), Items for defense purposes, as well as production of cars in different directions.
Machine Engineer Day 2014, the date, the date when notice
Every year, in late September, ie the last Sunday in traditionally celebrate their highly professional holiday - Day of Machinist countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.
Day Machinist in this 2014 will be celebrated on September 28 in Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine - 28 September.
This holiday is formalized by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on October 1st, 1980 № 3018-X "On holidays and memorial days", with some modifications in each country. Hence began the history of this holiday.
The history of the day of Mechanical Engineers
In the last century in the Russian machine-building based on the consumption of defense products and security industries that cater to the production and living conditions of the population (power generation and rail transport). While most businesses are copying each other, with similar production and were not competing with each other.
In the days of the 90s in the industrial sector of the economy, that is, in the defense industry have taken place planned changes - reducing orders for defense products machine builders. This change resulted in a lack of funds from enterprises in the re-production of machine-building industry.
Modern machinery provides a modernized and advanced production technology. The industry has been around for more than two centuries and is the basis of any industry. Engineering is ranked 1st in the world among the other branches of industry in the number of employed people and the cost of finished products.
One of the most important indicators of the developed countries is the level of progress of the industry, ie its potential. Absolute leaders of the industry are such countries as Japan, the UK, France, USA, China, Russia, Germany, Canada.
In developing countries (India, Singapore, etc.) And in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe are issued certain types of machinery products, with which they conquered the world market industry.
In this Day holiday Machinist factories are celebrations including concerts, parades, competitions, holiday performances, honoring the veterans of labor.