Day of Fire Protection history and traditions of the holiday

 Day of Fire Protection 30 April 2011, the history of education of fire protection, the theme of fire and extinguishing fires

The professional holiday Day of Fire Protection.

We stepped into the XXI century, flying to the moon, reach the ocean basins, split the atom. Technical progress is developing at such a pace that even the thought of it can not keep up. Each year, creating new technologies, new materials, fireproof.

It would seem that such a thing as a fire, for a long time was to remain in the past. But no.

Now, hundreds of years ago, a fire is a terrible disaster. Burning houses and industrial premises, burning granaries and fields of wheat. Forests are burning. In 2008, Greece burned 1/8 of the forest, the fire was extinguished a few days, and from the ground and from the air. And this despite the fact that now the firefighters hold the latest technology and modern appliances.

Imagine what happened 200 years ago, when the arsenal fire brigades were only hooks yes buckets, and they went to a fire in a high-speed machines and a mare, and that if it was available. Of course, at the time the fire started, even in the old barn would burn down the whole city. And so it happened.

Only Moscow burnt out half a dozen times. And how many times was burning with less severe consequences no one can accurately count.

Before the fire there was a problem then do not put the house caught fire, and prevent the fire from spreading. Structures in fact there were wooden, flared like candles. So hurry to the fire brigade to the fire to first clear the doomed broken out between the structure and standing side by side and still spend at least some space, and only then begin to fill with water last remnants.

But even in those early years, thinking people have paid serious attention to fire-fighting and gave special importance. Since April 30, the distant 1649 was published "Mandate of city deanery", which was the first attempt to regulate any fire accessories must necessarily be in every yard. Our familiar to many fire panels, painted in bright red color, are their great-great-great ... grandchildren.

Also in the first in Russia Mandate appointed responsible for fire safety in every part of the city, with a list of their official duties, of course. Behind came a second document, the apparent bit funny name - "The Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich."

Alexis laugh and thought. In his Ulozhenie he specifically pointed to criminalize the organization of arson, up to flogging and imprisonment. Time passed, firefighters worked, fires continued to run amok, burning the roots of the city and villages.

The reasons for this were many. And the fact that basically all built of wood, and that the technical equipment of the fire was not very good, and that there was no clarity in the organization of firefighting. It often happened, the house was burning, and the fire brigade in the vicinity, do not hurry, everyone believes that it is not illuminated object.

Finally, September 8, 1802 was born manifesto that approved in the fire business man management, centralized management, we are now talking about. Gradually began to emerge various documents with precise instructions and regulations.

By the end of the nineteenth century, there were the first people's fire brigades. By that time there was already a fire Statutes, regulate the rights handling of fire, extinguishing procedure, penalties and so forth. Notification ensuing fire was no longer on the telegraph and later the telephone and was introduced electric fire alarm.

Base firefighters also increased. Fire stations were built, a new technique in the service of firefighters were now not horses and cars. Now it is developed with multi service with many units. At the service of firefighters not only cars but also airplanes and helicopters. Now extinguish a fire, not only water but also foam and powder.

As then the profession of fire is now one of the most honorable and prestigious. Their role in the life of any city is difficult to overestimate. Especially great role they played in the war, when the enemy tried to burn with fire the city to resist him. In Moscow alone were dropped hundreds of thousands of high-explosive bombs.

In our time of peace they remain alert. In May 1999, an order was issued. Instructs April 30 to consider the Day of fire protection, fire professional holiday of the country. This event marked the 350 years since the publication of the first "Mandate of city deanery."

Author Eleni Kerr

Beautiful congratulations fire protection, fire all the holiday

 congratulations fire protection


Happy Fire Protection congratulate you

From the heart and from the heart I wish today

I, love, you never give up,

All sorrows in spite of not to be sad, and laugh.

Being a firefighter is not easy - everybody knows it,

Speciality such, not all choose

Only the strong-willed and fearless guys

Can call himself the words: "Fire!"

I wish you only the happy days,

Just pure love, true friends,

Be lucky and go straight to the goal,

Happiness never let him leave your house!

Greetings beloved firefighter


The firehouse favorite works

And he knows exactly what the risk is ...

Let the will of God you are always stored,

Let you live a happy life!

Let your holiday is all wrong,

Let there be congratulations from colleagues ...

Let them hand over to you for all the awards,

After all, you are beautiful, the best man ...

I wish everything in life be what you want!

I wish to go up on the career ...

Let there be joy in your days and nights,

That did not turn you're never out of the way!


You worked for many years as a fireman,

Awards and honors already won ...

And today in this celebration again

I want to take the word of congratulations!

I want to, my love, I wish you,

That did not have to lose heart in life!

To you was famous for his skill

And the boss, like me, love!

And let all the plans you'll get more soon,

Let the difficulties you face rassmeeshsya!

Suppose you live in the joy of all the years,

Let it be in the heart of the best weather!

Verses day fire brigade husband


My beloved husband, today is your day -

The day of the fire country celebrates.

In this wonderful holiday, we will lay the table,

And I hasten to him today, I congratulate you.

You firefighter - is your vocation.

You save people, you're the fire to conquer.

How aches for you, my dear, my heart

You probably have no idea.

Suppose you do not leave your luck,

Let the fire only burns in the heart,

Happy fireman, I congratulate you,

Let your star shines in the sky!


If the husband is a firefighter - it does not matter,

So he always hastens to the rescue!

Happy the husband of the fire, I congratulate

And to him from my heart I wish today

Long years of age and health, and good luck in everything,

To love a heart burning with fire,

To smaller fires, and more luck,

That there were no unsolved problems in life!

Congratulations fire 2014 verses

 Congratulations fire


Hurry, when the fire rises to the house?

Who leisurely save people climbing on the balcony?

Who scored the first Chernobyl hell?

Who has not ever say, "I got a little excited? "

This is it, this is it, a bold Ogneborets!

It was he who first volunteer fire!

We thank all of you for the good care,

And worshiped the heroes of all the hard work!

Congratulations fire in verse


Hurtling scarlet machine, someone goes to a fire!

But firefighters extinguish, turn the flame to all couples!

And for that we congratulate all firefighters holiday!

And the pope nada for match hooligans!


Protection and stew, and shall open,

We enter into a burning house!

From trouble'll cover his body,

And sometimes, and give life!

So we raise our glasses for a holiday,

For a fire that rages in the hearts!

For smaller children suffer

About accidentally burnt fathers!

Toast dedicated firefighter


Raise full glasses

For those who struggle with the fire,

For those longing ahead,

For those who had saved the lives of many!

Bowing to you, brothers, to the ground,

For your fiery courage,

For your clarity and skillfulness,

From many of those saved!

Author Galina Gysin

Congratulations firefighter colleagues in 2014


My colleagues and I gathered

Again, at the holiday table,

To raise the fire for us

Toast with a special twinkle!

You do not startes and do not worry!

Only a wider smile!

To avoid you all adversity,

And the work - let's worth it!

Let the burning fires of passion,

Instead of building on fire!

Let your senses ablaze,

Instead of a forest fire in the ring!

All sincere congratulations

Happy Fire, friends!

Poems friends


My friend almost a hero.

He was my firefighter.

And the day today is not easy,

They have a holiday today.

And lifting up glass

With a drink firewater,

I want to congratulate you

With this exceptional day!

You have so many people helped

Fire Stop!

And how many saved from the fire,

They without you - do not live!

And in that day for all the people,

Who saved once.

I want to say thank you, friend!

For valor and courage!

Beloved man, firefighter husband


Today is a holiday your tears will not break

. You're with us and soul rest.

When you change you - then I coward.

God forbid, something happens to you!

You're my hero, you are my most favorite.

Shift work never ask

But be careful on fire. Know

very much I love you!

Author Rina Zhukov

Congratulations fire supervision poems
Humorous congratulations fire verses holiday
