Holiday February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day, the celebration of history

 Holiday February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day

During the Soviet era the holiday on February 23 called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, now - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

Born this holiday in the Bolshevik state in a difficult time for the country.

Everyone knows how the family life with the advent of the newborn. And the daily routine and diet, and some existing habits - all have to learn and re-install everything. But this is only one baby, and now the whole country was born!

The history of the celebration of February 23

Now, with hindsight, it is hard to imagine the enormous avalanche of problems and difficulties faced by the leaders and all the people. The famine, chaos, destruction, sabotage, terror and fear of the propertied classes and the average population, illiteracy and confusion of the working class, and especially the peasantry.

And then there was the foreign intervention presses. Of course, in this situation propaganda activities that support people in the faith and fighting spirit, it is of great importance. The young state threatens attack German-Hungarian troops, successfully advancing inland. Urgent need to create a militia to fight back.

That was invited to a one-time campaign events glorifying the idea of ​​fighting for a just cause, and with it the courage of the Red Army and Navy. January 28, 1918 People's Commissars adopted and Lenin signed a decree on the establishment of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and on February 11 a decree on the establishment of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet.

Fatherland Defender's Day holiday history

There was at that time another holiday - Day of the Red gift. On this day, we arranged a variety of campaign rallies, showing performances. It was held on February 17th. So we decided to combine the first anniversary of the signing of these decrees Happy Red gift. February 17 that year fell on a Monday.

In the country and so the ruin, there is no order or in factories or in factories, it's not up to the festivities on weekdays. The celebration was moved to next weekend - 23rd. After a couple of years and forgot about it only in 1922 February 23 was declared an official holiday.

The ideologists of socialism associate this day with a "decisive victory" of our army near Pskov and Narva on German troops. Truth here is not enough, as the battle in this sector were, and there were no victories.

Narva heavy fighting took place March 3 and 4, but the city still was delivered. It is difficult in anything to blame our army, consisting mainly of hastily recruited militias. Peaceful people, workers, peasants and intellectuals arose in defense of their country, killed hundreds and thousands. Well-trained Germans almost effortlessly took town after town. Narva was held more than a day.

With regard to Pskov, then there is the battle really began on 23 February. The town survived. The following day, the Kaiser troops, armed armored train and powerful guns, managed to break through the defense and rush to the outskirts. February 28 they took the city center. That's the story with these victories.

Newspapers those years nothing about it wrote. Subject surfaced later in the Great Patriotic War. The Germans once again strongly attacked. Our exhausted troops barely managed to fling them from Moscow.

Then the leader of all times and peoples, Comrade Stalin, to encourage soldiers to raise the morale of them wrote in his report about the heroism of our army back in the eighteenth. To judge him for that difficult. At that point comply with the accuracy of historical facts did not make sense, it was important to win by any means.

Holiday February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day

Now most of us, these facts of history, too, is not so important, the main thing that there is such a wonderful holiday, we congratulate all our women, adults, young, fought or just preparing to defend the homeland.

Also, as in the early years of the birth of the festival, its essence is of great importance. This festival increases the prestige of our army, and as you know there is no state without an army.

Men this holiday once again lets you feel its importance, our responsibility for us, the weaker sex. And we once again express our love for our dear defenders.

Congratulations on 23 February 2014 the men in verse

 Men from 23 February to congratulate


  I'm a twenty-third in February aspire

Congratulate all men all over the country!

  And congratulations to better hurry,

  To wish you life, as in a dream!

To wish you a glorious victory,

Beautiful life everywhere and anywhere!

  That has not been on a life of evil and misery!

That was just the best in the life!

And let pass quietly century life!

  Let it be a place is always a feat!

Complete all steep turns

And do your best to protect us always!


I February 23 today

  I want all men to confess in love!

  And only with the permission of the Lord

  I want them always to admire!

Their exploits PATH, works ...

  Their wisdom, and honor, and labor ...

And strong and stately bodies!

  And how to cope with the enemy!

And, not concealing his immense love,

  I want to congratulate all the men now!

And wish them a decent life age!

And good luck, man, good luck!


Wish I heeding her immensely,

And best of all, just wanting

I want men to be given the time I -

And bravo to the Twenty-Third congratulations!

And they always want to be an example,

To all of them I wanted to be leveled ...

  That one was a military officer! ..

  That was not what you find fault!

And let it be the way you want!

  Let it be that failed to earn!

Let no sorrow and grief!

  I wish that your heart is burning!


From February 23 men

Dear Knights of the Motherland,

Let the war you hand touches,

Your glorious blood is spilled.

Let the sun above you will be clear,

Sky - a serene, beautiful.

Close empty hearts warm

  And his love inspire,

On your feat, but in the name of life,

  Let the dream of soaring winged bird

  And it fulfills all your desires

  At its piece of the universe.


  Knights of our military,

  Expensive, nice man,

From February 23 to congratulate

  From the heart and soul going.

I wish you a lot of untold power,

  Heaven - serene, kindly,

Without huge clouds of war.

  Let all the dreams come true.

Let lived each day

You give a reason to sing songs.

  Smile, enjoy life,

Bravely serving his Motherland.


  February 23 comes nicely,

  With honor, that hardened steel,

  With valor, dignity, courage,

  Courage and schooled step.

Congratulations, nice man,

Let go all the problems by,

  Do not touch you trouble, injury,

  Let the luck accompanies in all.

After all, you - the real heroes,

  It is favored by love,

Near its sacred shores,

Have lived their life with dignity -

In the beautiful and excellent health,

The good, serene mood,

The tenderness, caring, kind, kindness,

To make it all you've got in order.

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