How to make a natural shampoo for hair with his hands


Life brings us such a situation is not predictable that zastaёt us by surprise. You urgently summoned to work, unexpectedly invited to a meeting, etc, and you, as an evil, ended shampoo. What to do? I do not go, then, is not presentable form. The solution to this problem is very simple: you have to prepare a shampoo with their hands.

In addition, some women successfully use only natural hair shampoo, consisting of extremely useful components because of the terrible harm of household chemicals.

The article described in detail how to make quick and easy natural shampoo different recipes. Liquid, solid, dry shampoo, dry and oily hair with his hands.

1. For oily hair

You will need a minimum of means, fifty grams of cognac and egg, mix until creamy and can be applied as a shampoo. Can not store more than two days.

As for the type of hair you can prepare a shampoo and a hundred grams brewed and strained oak bark hundred grams of water. Rub into the hair for five minutes. Store no more than one day.

2. Dry Hair

In the preparation of this means you'll spend just a minute or two. You will need to mix two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg. This tool should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.

Dry hair will approach another means: oat flakes grind and add to them of warm boiled water and mix to get a creamy mass.

1. Date of shampoo with their hands

It is necessary to remember what the grass, what problem will help to cope:

• For greasy hair type - mint, burdock, thyme,
• Dry-type - the liveliness, chamomile, nettle, calendula,
• for normal sage and calendula.

We should not forget that the oily extract should be chosen depending on the type of hair:

• For the type of fat - butter and almond, grape seed,
• Dry type - jojoba oil or macadamia nuts.

So, what you need to do it for an hour in herbal hundred milliliters of boiling water. Filter. Melt one hundred grams of soap base in a water bath, then add the broth and oily extracts.

What's the most important thing in this process - not to allow the moment of boiling. That's all, can only add flavor and drained weight in jars. Let cool and put in refrigerator for several hours.

2. Natural dry shampoo

The simplest of oatmeal and baking soda

• grind in a coffee grinder oatmeal to the state of dust, add baking soda in a ratio of 2/1. Apply to the hair and look forward to our shampoo absorbed all the fat from the hair. To remove a tool, just carefully comb hair or hair povstryahivayte.

• Another no less effective recipe: we need any cosmetic clay (except black), and any talc, can be even baby powder. So, take two tablespoons of clay, add a teaspoon or talcum powder. Mixed and applied to the hair.

• For another recipe dry shampoo your hands, we will need: Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch, a tablespoon of almond flour and a tablespoon of ground iris root.

Trust me, after using this natural shampoo, your hair will be easy to smell.

How to make a natural shampoo for hair with his hands


Life brings us such a situation is not predictable that zastaёt us by surprise. You urgently summoned to work, unexpectedly invited to a meeting, etc, and you, as an evil, ended shampoo. What to do? I do not go, then, is not presentable form. The solution to this problem is very simple: you have to prepare a shampoo with their hands.

In addition, some women successfully use only natural hair shampoo, consisting of extremely useful components because of the terrible harm of household chemicals.

The article described in detail how to make quick and easy natural shampoo different recipes. Liquid, solid, dry shampoo, dry and oily hair with his hands.

1. For oily hair

You will need a minimum of means, fifty grams of cognac and egg, mix until creamy and can be applied as a shampoo. Can not store more than two days.

As for the type of hair you can prepare a shampoo and a hundred grams brewed and strained oak bark hundred grams of water. Rub into the hair for five minutes. Store no more than one day.

2. Dry Hair

In the preparation of this means you'll spend just a minute or two. You will need to mix two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg. This tool should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.

Dry hair will approach another means: oat flakes grind and add to them of warm boiled water and mix to get a creamy mass.

1. Date of shampoo with their hands

It is necessary to remember what the grass, what problem will help to cope:

• For greasy hair type - mint, burdock, thyme,
• Dry-type - the liveliness, chamomile, nettle, calendula,
• for normal sage and calendula.

We should not forget that the oily extract should be chosen depending on the type of hair:

• For the type of fat - butter and almond, grape seed,
• Dry type - jojoba oil or macadamia nuts.

So, what you need to do it for an hour in herbal hundred milliliters of boiling water. Filter. Melt one hundred grams of soap base in a water bath, then add the broth and oily extracts.

What's the most important thing in this process - not to allow the moment of boiling. That's all, can only add flavor and drained weight in jars. Let cool and put in refrigerator for several hours.

2. Natural dry shampoo

The simplest of oatmeal and baking soda

• grind in a coffee grinder oatmeal to the state of dust, add baking soda in a ratio of 2/1. Apply to the hair and look forward to our shampoo absorbed all the fat from the hair. To remove a tool, just carefully comb hair or hair povstryahivayte.

• Another no less effective recipe: we need any cosmetic clay (except black), and any talc, can be even baby powder. So, take two tablespoons of clay, add a teaspoon or talcum powder. Mixed and applied to the hair.

• For another recipe dry shampoo your hands, we will need: Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch, a tablespoon of almond flour and a tablespoon of ground iris root.

Trust me, after using this natural shampoo, your hair will be easy to smell.

Food promote faster hair growth


Long and thick hair - it is the rich and expensive jewelry for any girl or woman. Well-groomed hair is the best accentuate the natural beauty and give a special charm to its owner. However, not everyone can afford to boast chic hair.

One of the main reasons that do not allow hair to grow as fast as possible, is the lack of building materials, which the body receives while eating. Not only hair growth, but also the health of the whole body is completely dependent on nutrition and lifestyle.

For a healthy shine and a good hair growth are necessary elements such as iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, manganese and many others.

These substances enter the body through food and the flow of blood spread throughout the body, a small part of them comes up to the hair follicles. This means that you need to eat healthy foods that contain many necessary for your hair vitamins and minerals.

If you desire to grow a long braid does not disappear for a long time, you should make a great effort in order to achieve the desired result. To do this, first of all need to diversify their food those products, the list of which is presented below.

Dairy products will contribute to strengthen the hair, improve its structure due to the large percentage of calcium and vitamins. In therein.

To prevent fading and breaking of hair will help the animal protein found in poultry and cattle. Suitable and egg white, which is best absorbed by the body.

Soya which is contained in a large amount, for example, tofu cheese, is a source of iron. Its use is not only good impact on the entire body, but especially on the hair.

Increased consumption of onions will not only improve the condition of hair, but also strengthen the immune system.

Useful though sometimes eat at least a handful of wheat germ. Its components will increase the growth rate and eliminate hair loss. To wheat was pleasant to the taste for it, you can add a spoonful of honey or any yogurt.

Vegetables and fruits with the characteristic green or yellow color contain enough beta-carotene to allow hair to grow much faster.

Oily fish, which is rich in protein and nicotinic acid, stimulate new hair and improves its structure.

Such a product, like raisins, improves blood circulation. As a result, more blood flow to the hair follicles to the hair comes more nutrients.

Lack of vitamin E and vegetable proteins can lead to the weakening and loss of hair, so you need to eat more beans or peas, as it is in their grains contain vitamin E and proteins.

The nuts contain B vitamins and essential vegetable oils. Therefore a day to eat more walnuts or any other nuts.

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