Exercise can speed healing and restore movement

 Exercise can speed healing and restore movement

Influence of biological functional stimulus

Influence of biological function of the stimulus - movement, exercise - to accelerate healing, restore movement in the morphological structure of the tissue support work

AV Rakhmanov, IA Piontkovsky (bone regeneration), work VR Khesin (for connective tissue formation), and others.

Experience indicates that a rational and timely application of exercise physical therapy for wounds can accelerate tissue healing and help restore movement.

But, in addition to the stimulating effect of physical exercise on the formation of tissue in the area of ​​traumatic focus, the effect of exercise affects the immediate restoration of traffic.

Despite the fact that the increase in functionality is adequate flow to accelerate the healing process, yet often lag behind the function.

Applied exercise, including the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system, counteract the development of atrophic-destructive processes in the muscle and destructive and proliferative changes in the connective tissue.

In this regard, it prevents and weakened the development of various disorders in the function of "moving" system: retraction of fascia and aponeuroses, the fibrous muscle degeneration (miookleroz, miofibroz) and atrophy, wrinkling joint capsules, cartilage atrophy and decreased elasticity of the whole periarticular apparatus.

Confronting the development of various pathological changes during exercise stimulate physiological processes, especially in the area surrounding the traumatic center.

This should include the activation of vascularization and lymph circulation, which improves trophic tissue and the effects of exercise on stretching connective tissue elements in the process of their formation, as well as the strengthening of weakened muscles.

As a result of systematic physical exercises neuromuscular system restores motion, change pathological process in the implementation of neurohumoral regulation of motor function.

The persistent and prolonged exercise of all parts of skeletal system eventually leads to partial or complete recovery of movement.

Effect of exercise on functional disorders

 Effect of exercise, functional disorders, wound healing

Effect of physical exercise on the traumatic process is still poorly understood. But the data of physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical observations allow us to consider this mechanism as acting in the following directions:

the general state patient, wound process and to restore function.

Improving the general condition of the patient depends on the degree of healing of traumatic focus, as well as restoring the function of the damaged system activity and volitional referral. It should be borne in mind that the nature of the injury, its location and the extent of anatomic prevalence impact on the development of functional disorders.

In this regard, the restoration of functional disorders is carried out taking into account the destructive changes in the field of traumatic focus (principle of structural Pavlovian reflex theory).

In assessing the impact of physical exercise, first of all, be aware that the last, involving the reactive response to all parts of the nervous system, increase its influence on the course of metabolic processes.

The activity of the patient, it will focus to a speedy recovery sodeystvuyut.i stimulating effect of the cerebral cortex in the implementation process of the exercise of functional disorders.

Simultaneously, the overall strengthening of the patient, the whole body healthy organism also affects on the restoration of the affected systems, both morphologically and functionally.

Recovery of morphological substrate

Wound healing

Effect of exercise on during the early process should be considered in connection with the intensification of blood circulation and lymph circulation in the area of ​​the wound or injury. Around the wound and adjacent areas - traumatic necrosis of molecular concussion and reactive - is a zone of healthy tissue, promoting regenerative process.

The activity of this regenerative process is closely connected with the use of movements increases blood wound area.

The systematic use of exercise, causing a reduction of healthy muscle groups, both remote and directly adjacent to the area of ​​the wound or injury, carried out a kind of "bombing" the wound and surrounding healthy tissue active hyperemia.

The latter contributes to the regeneration of impaired tissue and accelerates the healing of wounds. Add to this the increase in lymph, which, together with the active hyperemia stimulates the resorption of inflammation in wounds and injuries.

Regular use of physical exercise causes an improvement of redox processes and assimilatory functions of the damaged tissue, increases the phagocytic ability neyromonotsitov plastic and stimulates creative processes.

All this contributes to wound healing, regenerative activation potency of injured tissue, increasing its general and local reactivity.

Effect of exercise on wound healing, the restoration of the morphological substrate in the area of ​​traumatic focus reflected in the adaptation of the regenerative process to increasing functional loads and impact in countering the development of connective tissue adhesions.

It is known that the shape and function are the same as the two sides of a single biological process. During phylogeny of the nervous and muscular system improved under the influence of muscle activity. In this development, each system determines each other.

Physical activity, the impact of physical activity

 Exercise stress

Exercise stress. Under the influence of physical activity significantly increases the flow of blood. This is particularly important due to the fact that the utilization of oxygen by the tissues increases, and the easier the task of hemodynamics.

So, if at rest uses only about 30% of the oxygen flowing blood, under the influence of physical activity untrained people at minute volume of 16 liters gives a utilization rate of 0, 47, and have trained at the minute amount of 9, 8 l found utilization rate of 0, 73.

Thus, an increase in oxygen utilization rate during training allows the muscle to work with a smaller load for the heart, which significantly increases the amplitude of accommodation of the cardiovascular system.

Exercise stress. Thus, major changes in the exchange of tissue under the influence of exercise, muscle training are more economical expenditure of potential substances, the prevalence of redox processes of cleaving and accumulation in the tissues of potential substances.

It should be emphasized the importance of the application of the dosed physical stress on the body as a means to combat hypoxia.

The latter is often the case not only in the failure of the cardiovascular system, but also in other diseases: in the period of convalescence after infectious diseases, burn disease in the postoperative period, and others.

Under the influence of physical activity activation of circulation and exchange flows while increasing the redox exchange phase and improves utilization of oxygen by tissues.

It is found that a lack of physical activity enhances hypoxic state, but it may cause the development of coronary heart disease.

Observations of recent years indicate that the emotional factor may change the dynamics of the metabolic processes in the myocardium, causing primary disorder of the regulation of the trophism.

Blood circulation, accelerate blood flow, rhythmic contraction and relaxation
Exercise and blood pressure
Effect of exercise on functional disorders
The nature and intensity of the exchange, the circulatory system
Exercise and circulatory system
The therapeutic value of physiotherapy, physiology and pathology
