Fighting insomnia folk methods


What is sleeplessness, many of us do not have to explain. This disease so exhausting that it no longer is a question of some sort of health or a positive frame of mind. That is why it is important to find a proper way to treat insomnia, which is not harmful to health and help to cope with the loss of strength.

If you suffer from a sleep disorder, not in a hurry to address to doctors. It often happens that sleep problems come into our lives with stress and overexertion, which can get rid of without the help of doctors.

In such cases, to deal with this nuisance easily help traditional medicines, particularly herbal tea.

Treatment of insomnia herbal broths effectively, moreover, unlike the majority of modern medicine, it does not cause side effects and suitable for all ages.

Nature gave us a lot of plants and herbs, has a mild sedative effect and promotes relaxation.

Among the most common are:

• hops,
• Lavender,
• Melissa,
• valerian,
• Chamomile,
• Passion and many others.

Decoctions of herbs reduce the voltage stress, caused by easing their symptoms, such as migraine headaches, heart palpitations, problems with the digestive system.

Herbal teas

In the preparation of herbal decoction is no big deal: should pour a tablespoon of your desired plants cup boiling water and cover for 15 - 20 minutes. The prepared infusion should be used no later than half an hour before bedtime.

Alcohol tincture of herbs

In addition to herbal concoctions in the fight for a healthy quiet sleep are effective alcohol tincture of herbs. Easy to prepare valeric tincture:

3 - 4 tablespoons chopped into small pieces of valerian root pour two cups of vodka, put in a cool dark place for two weeks.

After this period, you must strain the tincture. It is recommended to take one tablespoon just before bedtime.

Tincture of Melissa

An effective remedy for insomnia is also an infusion of lemon balm. For its preparation you need a white wine.

We need to take 3stolovyh tablespoons lemon balm leaves (fresh or dried), pour their wine (five hundred milliliters), put in a dark place at 5 - 6 days. Then strain the infusion and take it for a couple of tablespoons lozhkek bedtime.

Herbal baths

Since insomnia can also be overcome with the help of warm herbal baths. To prepare such a bath must be filled with one liter of hot water five tablespoons grass (grass burn select any, to your taste) and leave for thirty minutes.

The resulting broth strain and pour into the tub with warm water. Taking a bath should be not less than twenty minutes just before you go to bed.

Pillows with herbs

Proven tools for a good sleep is a cotton pillow filled with grasses: lemon balm, hops, chamomile - you can choose any collecting of plants, depending on their preferences and needs. This pad should be put for the night near the head.

Sweet Dreams!

Fighting insomnia folk methods


What is sleeplessness, many of us do not have to explain. This disease so exhausting that it no longer is a question of some sort of health or a positive frame of mind. That is why it is important to find a proper way to treat insomnia, which is not harmful to health and help to cope with the loss of strength.

If you suffer from a sleep disorder, not in a hurry to address to doctors. It often happens that sleep problems come into our lives with stress and overexertion, which can get rid of without the help of doctors.

In such cases, to deal with this nuisance easily help traditional medicines, particularly herbal tea.

Treatment of insomnia herbal broths effectively, moreover, unlike the majority of modern medicine, it does not cause side effects and suitable for all ages.

Nature gave us a lot of plants and herbs, has a mild sedative effect and promotes relaxation.

Among the most common are:

• hops,
• Lavender,
• Melissa,
• valerian,
• Chamomile,
• Passion and many others.

Decoctions of herbs reduce the voltage stress, caused by easing their symptoms, such as migraine headaches, heart palpitations, problems with the digestive system.

Herbal teas

In the preparation of herbal decoction is no big deal: should pour a tablespoon of your desired plants cup boiling water and cover for 15 - 20 minutes. The prepared infusion should be used no later than half an hour before bedtime.

Alcohol tincture of herbs

In addition to herbal concoctions in the fight for a healthy quiet sleep are effective alcohol tincture of herbs. Easy to prepare valeric tincture:

3 - 4 tablespoons chopped into small pieces of valerian root pour two cups of vodka, put in a cool dark place for two weeks.

After this period, you must strain the tincture. It is recommended to take one tablespoon just before bedtime.

Tincture of Melissa

An effective remedy for insomnia is also an infusion of lemon balm. For its preparation you need a white wine.

We need to take 3stolovyh tablespoons lemon balm leaves (fresh or dried), pour their wine (five hundred milliliters), put in a dark place at 5 - 6 days. Then strain the infusion and take it for a couple of tablespoons lozhkek bedtime.

Herbal baths

Since insomnia can also be overcome with the help of warm herbal baths. To prepare such a bath must be filled with one liter of hot water five tablespoons grass (grass burn select any, to your taste) and leave for thirty minutes.

The resulting broth strain and pour into the tub with warm water. Taking a bath should be not less than twenty minutes just before you go to bed.

Pillows with herbs

Proven tools for a good sleep is a cotton pillow filled with grasses: lemon balm, hops, chamomile - you can choose any collecting of plants, depending on their preferences and needs. This pad should be put for the night near the head.

Sweet Dreams!

Medicinal properties of berries

 Useful berries

The healing properties of berries and benefit to the organism can not be overemphasized! In the entire history of mankind, people gradually discovered new useful qualities of the gifts of nature, using the berries to treat all kinds of diseases, and the ancient healers used the berries to relieve symptoms of colds and fever, stops bleeding and relieve pain, saved from scurvy.

It's now the researchers examined all the useful properties of berries, and then the doctors relied on their intuition and experience, through trial and error picking berries for treatments that are more effective in certain diseases. Nature gave us a great opportunity to replenish your body with vitamins and trace elements in a natural way, without resorting to synthetic substitutes. Red, white and black currants, Aronia and red rowan, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, wild rose hips - they are traditionally called berries and are a real treasure trove of useful components, used to treat almost all diseases. Even if the person in front of the goal of treatment is not necessary, when the use of these useful products it can make up for missing nutrients and strengthen their immune system.

Sea buckthorn is deservedly called the "queen" of berries because of its medicinal qualities .  Its useful properties buckthorn gives millions of people throughout the ages .  In ancient times, using it struggled with scurvy, and many other diseases .  The sea buckthorn bush helpful everything .  The fruit and bark of the branches contain serotonin, which is important for the normalization of the nervous system, in the leaves, in large quantities, contain tannins, volatile, minerals, vitamin C .  From fruits of sea buckthorn oil is produced, which is a unique multivitamin preparations, has antibacterial properties .  It is used in inflammatory processes in the throat (laryngitis, sore throat) and upper respiratory tract, adding oil in a solution for inhalation, and fruit juice with honey - a wonderful remedy for cough .  Sea buckthorn oil also heals the damaged mucous membranes and wounds, it is used for burns, frostbite, bedsores, eczema .  In medical practice, the unique healing properties of sea buckthorn was appreciated by doctors, and it is widely used in various areas of medicine - gynecology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology .  100 g .  buckthorn berries contain: fats (2, 3 g . ), Carbohydrates (10, 3 g . ), Proteins (1, 0 g . ), Vitamins C, E, B1, B2, F, carotene, rutin, trace elements (iron, boron, manganese, silver, copper, silicon, etc. . ) Malic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, folic acid, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic) .  Essential healing properties of sea buckthorn is also used in folk medicine .

Another wonderful and therapeutic berry - currants. The large number and a good mix of vitamins does currants indispensable for the treatment of colds, atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney disease, disorders in metabolic processes. It is also widely used as a preventive measure, it contributes to whet the appetite, stimulates the excretion of bile, inhibits fermentation in the intestines, improves the blood, diuretic, diaphoretic and astringent properties. 100 g currant contains: carbohydrates (presented mainly as glucose - 1, 2-2, 7 g, and the fructose - 5, 4-6, 2g.), Proteins (0, 2-0, 9 g .). Currant contains iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, vitamins - PP, B1, B2, C, and vitamin A. The greatest amount of ascorbic acid is in black currants. It, too, the presence of vitamin K and R

Gooseberry is a diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties. It is recommended for people who have kidney disease, liver and bladder. These berries (and squeezed the juice from them) are particularly useful in anemia, used for normalization of the intestine, contribute to the removal radionukliidov and salts of heavy metals from the human body. A mixture of gooseberry juice with honey is very useful for frequent hemorrhages, and skin rashes. 100 g gooseberries comprise: carbohydrates (2, 1 g), proteins (9 7 g), potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B, B1, PP, C, provitamin A, folic acid.

Medicinal properties of berries
The use of herbs for various diseases
The biological stimulants to improve health
The collection, storage and potency of medicinal plants
The collection, storage and potency of medicinal plants
Treatment juice medicinal plants, disease prevention
Herbal or sensible eating
The use and dosage of medicinal plants
Treatment juice medicinal plants, disease prevention
