The history of the Shroud celebration in 2014, the date of the constant, the number of celebrations, the value of tradition and well-known, interesting girls Signs and beliefs.
Intercession of the Theotokos 2014 celebration, date, number, value
Great religious holiday celebrated by Orthodox believers and Russian Church on October 14 (the date of the holiday).
Protection of the day of the holiday is rooted in the year 910. The word "cover" and accordingly the holiday comes from the fact that during the service the faithful Andrew and Epiphanius have seen the Virgin Mary hovering over people's heads, and spread out over all of its snow-white veil, called a cover.
This happened during the prayer congregation in order to get rid of the enemy. While Constantinople was taken under siege by the enemy, and the Emperor Leo and his wife prayed in church.
Cover the holiday, the value of history
At this point, there was a Hail Mary, praying she covered the cover, symbolizing his protection over the congregation. The phenomenon has strengthened its defensive, and gathered all his strength, they survived and defeated their enemies. So the holiday symbolizes the victory of the Christians over the unbelievers.
After Andrew Fool divine vision, together with his faithful disciple walked on Russian cities, telling everyone about the vision of the marvelous. But the people did not accept and did not believe his stories. They laughed at him and called an impostor. But the Lord God gave Andrew insight.
On this feast of the Orthodox Russia appeared thanks to the efforts of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky who come to Vladimir Monomakh own grandson. In the 12th century it was built the first temple in the name of God. And in 1164, with the active help of the Grand Duke holiday was celebrated by the Orthodox Church. In the 12th century in the Novgorod land was Intercession Monastery. In Moscow, on the orders of Ivan the Terrible was erected Cathedral of the Intercession of Our Lady at St. Basil's Cathedral.
Intercession of the Theotokos tradition
Prior to the celebration of the Protection of all the peasants tried to complete the collection of harvest, and to make all necessary preparation and stocks for the long harsh winter. There was a tradition not to graze livestock in the meadows, and keep in pens and barns. Home Protection of the holiday meant the end of peasant work, started it's time to rest until next spring.
Feast of the Protection symbolized a patron of Russian weddings. All unmarried girls pray, asking the saints to quickly send the desired groom. Therefore, I am sure all the girls go to church, put candles near the Virgin. The girls put on their most beautiful outfits. Try to be more beautiful than all the rest.
After all, usually on the first snow Cover. A white blanket on the ground compared to the wedding veil. Existed in the people a sign that more snow falls than on the Protection of the day, the more weddings will happen this year. Generally, holiday everyone tried to spend as much as possible brightly. There was a belief that it is necessary to spend a holiday of fun.
Signs and superstition
There's maiden sign if fun to be held that day, the long-awaited groom must appear. The girls eagerly awaited feast of the Intercession, because it confined to the people of divination, to help them find the bride and get married successfully.
On the eve of the Protection of the girls wondered: to perform divination they baked wholegrain toast and a little crushed linen beam. In the evening, rye bread and a bunch of flax carried into the barn, set poles, saying: "narrowing, my darling, my, now come to Riga to work behold, out of the window SHOW".
At this time she was not supposed to speak, but silently and patiently wait for the groom, while standing in the barn near the window. The girls did not dare to spend the night in the barn, and therefore, leaving flax bread, left home before dawn. After morning church services secretly gave to eat rye bread guy get noticed, and linen thread left in his pocket. And if the plans succeeded, the man certainly reciprocated.
By the end of the feast of the Protection of time in the villages ended the dance, and started home gatherings as long autumn and cold winter evenings the girls needlework, engaged in spinning, embroidery, the songs and carols. Also performed the rite of the so-called baking in the house corner. This was done to save the heat in the building.