10 tips on how to quit smoking


Avoid smoking on the day and time that you have chosen for themselves. Not before, and not later. If you usually smoke, say, 40 cigarettes a day, ready to 40 daily cravings. If they do not appear, it means that you suppress their true desires.

Do not do this! You have to want to smoke 40 times a day. So if for some reason do not want to have to want to. Rather, I admit it.

But if you continue to suppress their true desires, they will still haunt you and eventually will drive crazy. Or would break out in a moment of weakness.

Therefore, in any case, do not hide from you the truth, on the contrary, remember and think about it constantly. So it will be easier to solve the problem. Remember that you always have a choice.

Every time you want to smoke a cigarette, admit it to yourself, "I want to smoke." Do not try to fool yourself, better go to the forest and shout it out loud, if there is such a need. And then say to yourself, "But I choose not to smoke."

You can always choose: to smoke or not, and at any given moment choose not to smoke. The main thing - to make the right choices all 40 times a day. Over time, the desire to smoke will occur less often and soon entirely disappear.

As before, always carry your cigarettes and matches: you will always be sure that you actually have a choice. Remember that nobody is going to take away your cigarettes and matches, and make it impossible to choose.

When a person is not what he really wanted to be, or when it has taken away something desirable, it inevitably feels a sense of deprivation, which leads to anger and irritation. You, too, quit smoking, experience the feeling.

And when this happens, stop and say to yourself, "No one took me no cigarettes, no matches, so the opportunity to choose I have. I can smoke. I want to smoke. But I choose not to smoke."

Live only in the moment and do not try to predict what will happen in 5 minutes. Refuse smoking only right now, but not forever.

Whenever you have decided now is not to smoke, think about the benefits of giving up this bad habit.

Think of how much damage the health of you could apply!

Never does not replace smoking. Otherwise, it is also the suppression of desire, and this can not be done! To quit smoking, do not need to eat more or more often than usual, chew gum or suck on hard candy, do not sleep for longer or drink alcohol in excess of the usual norm.

It is not necessary to bite his nails or seeds, to invent an extra job or occupation, distraction from smoking. All this is useless. And, if you see what you're doing anything, not peculiar to you, honestly to yourself: "I do not want no substitute to smoking. All I want is to smoke."

And let a desire to smoke - you know what to do in such a case. Do not change the traditional way of life in connection with smoking cessation. You do not need to become an athlete or just a fan of health. You only quit smoking, no more.

So do not go too far, only to give up smoking, and everything else aside. Do not try to avoid friends who smoke, or situations that might spur your desire to smoke.

If, for example, a cup of strong coffee always reminds you of the cigarette, it is wonderful! Drink coffee, and let you dying to smoke. You know how to choose and make the right choice.

Remember the main thing: one puff - and all is lost!

After smoking - a habit, and one single cigarette, even after 5 years can revive it. This should be remembered always. Like that you always have a choice.

And now, if someone pleases let me treat most rasprekrasno cigarettes, and some never seen before, I patted his pocket with a packet of "Haze" and say, "Thank you, I quit smoking."

  10 tips on how to quit smoking


Avoid smoking on the day and time that you have chosen for themselves. Not before, and not later. If you usually smoke, say, 40 cigarettes a day, ready to 40 daily cravings. If they do not appear, it means that you suppress their true desires.

Do not do this! You have to want to smoke 40 times a day. So if for some reason do not want to have to want to. Rather, I admit it.

But if you continue to suppress their true desires, they will still haunt you and eventually will drive crazy. Or would break out in a moment of weakness.

Therefore, in any case, do not hide from you the truth, on the contrary, remember and think about it constantly. So it will be easier to solve the problem. Remember that you always have a choice.

Every time you want to smoke a cigarette, admit it to yourself, "I want to smoke." Do not try to fool yourself, better go to the forest and shout it out loud, if there is such a need. And then say to yourself, "But I choose not to smoke."

You can always choose: to smoke or not, and at any given moment choose not to smoke. The main thing - to make the right choices all 40 times a day. Over time, the desire to smoke will occur less often and soon entirely disappear.

As before, always carry your cigarettes and matches: you will always be sure that you actually have a choice. Remember that nobody is going to take away your cigarettes and matches, and make it impossible to choose.

When a person is not what he really wanted to be, or when it has taken away something desirable, it inevitably feels a sense of deprivation, which leads to anger and irritation. You, too, quit smoking, experience the feeling.

And when this happens, stop and say to yourself, "No one took me no cigarettes, no matches, so the opportunity to choose I have. I can smoke. I want to smoke. But I choose not to smoke."

Live only in the moment and do not try to predict what will happen in 5 minutes. Refuse smoking only right now, but not forever.

Whenever you have decided now is not to smoke, think about the benefits of giving up this bad habit.

Think of how much damage the health of you could apply!

Never does not replace smoking. Otherwise, it is also the suppression of desire, and this can not be done! To quit smoking, do not need to eat more or more often than usual, chew gum or suck on hard candy, do not sleep for longer or drink alcohol in excess of the usual norm.

It is not necessary to bite his nails or seeds, to invent an extra job or occupation, distraction from smoking. All this is useless. And, if you see what you're doing anything, not peculiar to you, honestly to yourself: "I do not want no substitute to smoking. All I want is to smoke."

And let a desire to smoke - you know what to do in such a case. Do not change the traditional way of life in connection with smoking cessation. You do not need to become an athlete or just a fan of health. You only quit smoking, no more.

So do not go too far, only to give up smoking, and everything else aside. Do not try to avoid friends who smoke, or situations that might spur your desire to smoke.

If, for example, a cup of strong coffee always reminds you of the cigarette, it is wonderful! Drink coffee, and let you dying to smoke. You know how to choose and make the right choice.

Remember the main thing: one puff - and all is lost!

After smoking - a habit, and one single cigarette, even after 5 years can revive it. This should be remembered always. Like that you always have a choice.

And now, if someone pleases let me treat most rasprekrasno cigarettes, and some never seen before, I patted his pocket with a packet of "Haze" and say, "Thank you, I quit smoking."

It is easy to give up smoking


A heavy smoker Georges Simenon quipped start smoking, to prove that you are a man, and then try to quit smoking, to prove that you are a man. Roughly the same thing happened with the author of these lines.

After 25 years of regular smoking at the third attempt managed to overcome the craving for tobacco smoke. I hope, finally.

Compared to the familiar one architect, himself a smoker, and something I can not name. I do not know what he was doing at night, but during the day at work it is very difficult to be seen without a cigarette in his mouth. He even did not need matches - before throwing smoked a cigarette, he from her new lighting a cigarette. He died in the prime of life, not having lived up to 60 years.

Many novice smokers think that at any time can stop smoking, until one day feel that is already persistent dependence on developed a smoke that abstain from food more easily than on cigarettes.

Then begins a painful and often unsuccessful, "the process of quitting." Brochu Monday, "throw in the new year", brooches, when his wife gives birth - these spells do not help. It does not help and disputes - a box of vodka on the lamb and even a cow.

"There is nothing easier than to quit smoking - I threw thirty times," - said Mark Twain.

"Adult" Smoke

When we go to the central regions of Russia, I surprised that the vast majority of teens smoke. And even children. And even the girls. In Dagestan, this is not so conspicuous. And now it is not evident - the difference, whatever you say, is palpable. Apparently, it is not gone our mentality, based on respect for elders.

We've decided not to smoke in the highest, not to mention their parents, even when he himself became a parent. But this does not mean that we have such a problem does not exist, our people, and especially teenagers and young adults, are free from this addiction. The mechanism of how young people become smokers, studied in some detail.

Begin the most blatant, example hooligan, often from dysfunctional families. They were the first beginning to show others what they are adults and independent. Bad example, as you know, is contagious, and is already one who smelled of cigarette smoke, in a society of peers becomes a black sheep.

Who needs it, because it is easier to smoke, the more that quit (as they think) at any time. Recently, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) issued a message which states the growth of tobacco dependence among the Russian youth. Prior to 1995, we smoked every second male, about 5% of women and 16% of adolescents. These figures compare with others.

In Russia, now 65 percent of men smoke and more than 30 percent of women. Over the past 20 years, the proportion of smokers has increased by almost half a million, primarily due to the involvement of youth and women. At the age of 15-19 years smoke 40 percent of boys and 7 percent of girls.

Smoking kills

About the dangers of smoking mountains of paper scribbled, but somehow, as evidenced by the figures given above, the number of smokers still increasing. The cigarette has a drug called number 1 in the world. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), about a quarter of regular smokers will die prematurely due to an addiction.

WHO points out that the total loss of healthy years of life due to illness and premature death, leads to global socio-economic losses of society. In fact, as American Indians, who first started to smoke, and from which went to the habit, taking revenge for his conquest of the Europeans. And this terrible revenge.

It is not that statesmen are not concerned about this situation. The State Duma has ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. This document, which has already joined the 172 countries of the world, including the entire European Union, consists of a set of prohibitions and restrictions. Key points are a complete ban on tobacco advertising and smoking restrictions in public places.

Now the Ministry of Health and the relevant committee of the Duma are working on the creation of a national tobacco control strategy that will help to adapt the space to the domestic legal requirements of the WHO. But the tobacco industry is not yet frustrating, they have long since learned to circumvent any bans.

There can be recalled and that the severity of our laws is offset by not having their performance. Nevertheless, for many it is obvious that the situation must be changed. The first is planned to increase the warning label on the package: information about the dangers of tobacco shall occupy not less than 30% of the pack compared to the current 4%.

The inscription on the front of the package - "Smoking kills" - will take at least 30 percent of the area. On the back of the pack accommodate 12 additional inscriptions, including warning consumers that smoking leads to premature death, lung cancer, heart attacks, sterility and other serious diseases.

The severity of "light" cigarettes

But do not buy cigarettes because, in order to read the inscriptions frightening and smoking. And that is why the MPs are not going to limit ourselves to this. Prohibits the sale of cigarettes in the street stalls, buy they can be only in supermarkets.

However, the date of this innovation has not yet been established. In addition, it planned to raise prices for tobacco by increasing the value of the excise stamps. According to WHO experts, the increase in excise duty on tobacco products by 10 percent reduces the number of smokers by 5-8 percent.

As regards tobacco advertising, the parliament is pondering whether to ban it completely or leave "in specialized areas." And to begin with - from 1 July this year, enticingly ajar posters packs will be removed from public transport stops, subway, train stations and airports.

Over the past 10 years, the production of cigarettes in Russia has increased from 250 to 414 billion. Pieces a year. Russia ranks third after China and the United States in the world in the number of manufactured tobacco products and consumption - the first.

If 12 years ago, our country ranked 14th in mortality from chronic lung disease, now I have moved on the 4th. This is due to the fact that the content of nicotine and tar, according to experts, in domestic cigarettes by about 20 per cent more than in the similar import.

Therefore, at the request of the WHO Framework Convention, the Russian tobacco industry must move to release more "light" cigarettes.

Smoke from gold and gold out of the smoke

However, smokers by example can confirm from light cigarettes are not nakurivaeshsya, you begin to smoke more, and as a result of the expense of dial up their usual dose of nicotine.

In fact, it turns out that this same dose of elemental risen. An important economic factor becomes.

Simple calculations show that smokers are allowed a monthly basis to the wind from 500 to 1000 rubles, and some and more. It turns out that in 25-30 years, every smoker burns on the car. Indeed so: no smokes tobacco - a burning health and money.

As the science of history, when Empress Elizabeth I was introduced to the first Russian tobacco industrialist, she told him: "I have seen many men turned their gold in the smoke, but you are the first who drew the smoke into gold."

It is easy to give up smoking
Recommendations smoking
Do you want to live - Quit !!!
Do you want to live - Quit !!!
How to quit smoking?
Tips for those who want to quit smoking
How to get rid of bad habits?
Harmless cigarettes
Smoking: 10 factors, everyone should know
How to quit smoking with ease
Smoking: 10 factors, everyone should know
Recommendations smoking
How to quit smoking with ease
