Several types of diets for weight loss from celebrities

 Useful diet

No matter how much they say that one diet is not recovered and stroynyashkoy of pyshechki not try, you still thousands and thousands of beautiful women every day something yourself, but plague. Blame them in this difficult because the Internet is full infoy about the different methods of quick weight loss forever.

To bring authenticity of photos and video lost weight. Before taking just beautiful, now attracting celebrities. Who has the secrets of weight loss is not divided! And the valley, and Pugachev, and PALLADIUM, aka Lolita, and Valeria. Who knows. Maybe they really lost weight by ingesting activated charcoal, chewing ginger or watching a video every day with the 25th frame. To answer this question, can each of us, using their method on itself.

Today in the world there are thousands of different diets. Their main feature is the number of calories each day should come to us in the body. This issue is very important because, on the one hand, they should not be more than wasted otherwise will remain in excess of our cells and tissues.

On the other hand, they must be sufficient for the work of all our organs. Otherwise they, these same authorities are not getting adequately "fuel" refuse to work at all. Thus, a single diet vymerennym and accurately weighed amount of ingredients, in principle, does not exist, because we all live in different ways and at different spend their calories.

Very useful diet those which do not coincide proteins and carbohydrates, as well as those that offer often eat food, but in small portions.

Very useful diet, which offer products that do not suffer long-term heat treatment. Such products are consumed the Japanese, who, by the way, take one of the first places among the oldest on the planet. A harmony of Japanese women in general has become a textbook.

And of course all diets categorically against sweet rolls, cakes, fats and sugars.

Here are some of the diets used by celebrities.

1. Diet buckwheat

Cereals (1 cup) should be prepared in advance, cook for no more than 10 minutes, to insist, wrapped pot necessarily anything to create the effect of a thermos. When cooking is not being used and then the salt, pepper or sugar accrue oil.

Thus prepared buckwheat to be divided into portions, enough to eat 5-6 times per day. Between meals of porridge to drink vegetable juice, for example, the juice of cucumber, cabbage or tomatoes, pickling, and not without adding any flavor of spices.

The term of such a diet - 5 days. The number dropped kg it depends on the individual and how sedentary life you lead.

2. Protein diet

The basis of this diet is occupied foods with a high content of protein, which is considered a good barrier to the accumulation of fat. Species protein diets very much.

They are based on the use of lean meat, eggs, fish, savory green vegetables and some dairy products. Also, when this diet is useful to drink a lot (up to 3 liters) of water a day.

Sample menu:

Breakfast - coffee does not contain caffeine and sugar, not sweet green tea, 2 tablespoons of fat-free yogurt.

Lunch - boiled egg (preferably 2 quail), boiled chicken, salad vegetables, other than sweet peppers, without dressing and salt.

Dinner - boiled fish with cabbage salad. A glass of nonfat yogurt. Such a diet is not very good because it involves only 3 meals, not including lunch and afternoon tea.

3. An example of a diet of Hollywood stars

First breakfast. A slice of pineapple, a slice of corn bread with a slice of low-fat cheese, green tea.

Second zavtrak.2 kiwi or 1 apple, half a glass of white yoghurt.

Lunch. A small piece of poultry or lean beef, baked or boiled, without salt, vegetable salad. Meat can be alternated with fish. You can add a quail egg.

Snack. A glass of juice of vegetables without salt or a glass of white yoghurt.

Dinner. Soup vegetables, tomato, a piece of tofu.

Before bedtime. A glass of low-fat yogurt.

There are so many diets. The main rule, which should be observed, choosing for themselves some of them - to give up sweets, fatty and starchy foods, there is little, but often do not eat after six o'clock in the evening.

Several types of diets for weight loss from celebrities

 Useful diet

No matter how much they say that one diet is not recovered and stroynyashkoy of pyshechki not try, you still thousands and thousands of beautiful women every day something yourself, but plague. Blame them in this difficult because the Internet is full infoy about the different methods of quick weight loss forever.

To bring authenticity of photos and video lost weight. Before taking just beautiful, now attracting celebrities. Who has the secrets of weight loss is not divided! And the valley, and Pugachev, and PALLADIUM, aka Lolita, and Valeria. Who knows. Maybe they really lost weight by ingesting activated charcoal, chewing ginger or watching a video every day with the 25th frame. To answer this question, can each of us, using their method on itself.

Today in the world there are thousands of different diets. Their main feature is the number of calories each day should come to us in the body. This issue is very important because, on the one hand, they should not be more than wasted otherwise will remain in excess of our cells and tissues.

On the other hand, they must be sufficient for the work of all our organs. Otherwise they, these same authorities are not getting adequately "fuel" refuse to work at all. Thus, a single diet vymerennym and accurately weighed amount of ingredients, in principle, does not exist, because we all live in different ways and at different spend their calories.

Very useful diet those which do not coincide proteins and carbohydrates, as well as those that offer often eat food, but in small portions.

Very useful diet, which offer products that do not suffer long-term heat treatment. Such products are consumed the Japanese, who, by the way, take one of the first places among the oldest on the planet. A harmony of Japanese women in general has become a textbook.

And of course all diets categorically against sweet rolls, cakes, fats and sugars.

Here are some of the diets used by celebrities.

1. Diet buckwheat

Cereals (1 cup) should be prepared in advance, cook for no more than 10 minutes, to insist, wrapped pot necessarily anything to create the effect of a thermos. When cooking is not being used and then the salt, pepper or sugar accrue oil.

Thus prepared buckwheat to be divided into portions, enough to eat 5-6 times per day. Between meals of porridge to drink vegetable juice, for example, the juice of cucumber, cabbage or tomatoes, pickling, and not without adding any flavor of spices.

The term of such a diet - 5 days. The number dropped kg it depends on the individual and how sedentary life you lead.

2. Protein diet

The basis of this diet is occupied foods with a high content of protein, which is considered a good barrier to the accumulation of fat. Species protein diets very much.

They are based on the use of lean meat, eggs, fish, savory green vegetables and some dairy products. Also, when this diet is useful to drink a lot (up to 3 liters) of water a day.

Sample menu:

Breakfast - coffee does not contain caffeine and sugar, not sweet green tea, 2 tablespoons of fat-free yogurt.

Lunch - boiled egg (preferably 2 quail), boiled chicken, salad vegetables, other than sweet peppers, without dressing and salt.

Dinner - boiled fish with cabbage salad. A glass of nonfat yogurt. Such a diet is not very good because it involves only 3 meals, not including lunch and afternoon tea.

3. An example of a diet of Hollywood stars

First breakfast. A slice of pineapple, a slice of corn bread with a slice of low-fat cheese, green tea.

Second zavtrak.2 kiwi or 1 apple, half a glass of white yoghurt.

Lunch. A small piece of poultry or lean beef, baked or boiled, without salt, vegetable salad. Meat can be alternated with fish. You can add a quail egg.

Snack. A glass of juice of vegetables without salt or a glass of white yoghurt.

Dinner. Soup vegetables, tomato, a piece of tofu.

Before bedtime. A glass of low-fat yogurt.

There are so many diets. The main rule, which should be observed, choosing for themselves some of them - to give up sweets, fatty and starchy foods, there is little, but often do not eat after six o'clock in the evening.

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