Respiration is the act of inhaling and exhaling. During inhalation ribs movement occurs simultaneously in two joints:
1) between the head of the ribs and the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae,
2) between the cusp edges and transverse process underlying vertebra along a line passing through both the joint axis corresponding to the longitudinal dimension of neck ribs.
In connection with the change in the axis movement during breathing edges of the front ends of the ribs due to curvature are not rotated and raised or lowered. In a normal chest, from the upper to the lower ribs, the axis changes direction, because, closer to the front direction at the upper edges, it gradually takes a more sagittal direction at the bottom.
Chest expansion at a breath at the top thereof takes place predominantly in the anteroposterior direction, while the lower part - in the transverse direction.
Since the axis of the ribs are not located in one and in different planes, the front ends of the ribs during joint motion diverge, "a consequence intercostal spaces extend like a fan and thoracic cavity increases somewhat in the longitudinal direction, which contributes to the flattening of the diaphragm during inhalation.
Last flattened in connection with active contraction of muscle fibers, and in connection with a passive following of the lower ribs, in which the diaphragm has a point of attachment. Along with the active mobility of the diaphragm, which is expressed in the reduction of all muscles, it should be borne in mind and passive mobility, depending on the inspiration of raising the ribs.
Studying the movements of the diaphragm by fluoroscopy gives reason to believe that the level of the diaphragm varies depending on the position of the body.
Thus, in the supine position hemidiaphragm stands higher than a standing position, and hence the greater mobility of the diaphragm in the supine position.
When lying on your side - the lower half of the diaphragm has a high mobility, and movement of the upper half of the diaphragm is very limited.
During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and therefore the increased intra-abdominal pressure and abdominal wall a few steps forward.
Thus, at the time of inhalation chest expands in three mutually perpendicular directions:
a) at the top - in the anteroposterior preferably,
b) at the bottom - preferably in lateral and
c) in the vertical direction - due to the flattening of the diaphragm and the lifting ribs.
In pathological conditions, the normal alternation of respiratory movements can be broken and diskoordinirovatoya. Thus, a number of studies show that patients with emphysema increased energy consumption in the respiratory movements.
Due to violations of the mechanisms that coordinate the function of external respiration, a number of patients have paradoxical movement of the chest, diaphragm and abdominal wall, included a large number of auxiliary respiratory muscles with increased her stress, which greatly improves the work of the respiratory muscles to provide pulmonary ventilation.
Thus, in patients with pulmonary emphysema of pulmonary ventilation for the same work the pectoral muscles in 3, 5 - 6 times, and the abdominal muscles 4 - 8 -raz higher than that in healthy.
These data indicate the importance of the therapeutic value of therapeutic exercises, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating incoordination of respiratory act.
Thus, the effect of exercise is based on the change in the reactivity of the patient, controlled neurohumoral mechanisms.
Active exercise, as an act of intelligent behavior of the patient, increase the influence of the cerebral cortex to the effector organs, stimulating effect of subordination.
The basis of the therapeutic success is the ability to exercise influence on the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, affect the mobility of the nervous processes.