Horoscope for December 2014 for all zodiac signs

 Horoscope for December

December - the beginning of a winter fairy tale, pre-New Year rush. It is from the very first day of the month you start to think about the fun and long-awaited holiday, as the New Year. The article read more about what is waiting for all zodiac signs on a horoscope for December of 2013.

This is a period of hopes and dreams of opening a new life, while getting rid of the long autumn depression and anguish. And the presence of snow on the streets only improve mood.

In December, increase the activity in any field, whether career or family. This is the most opportune time to sign mutually beneficial contracts, transactions, and make the right decisions. Since the beginning of the month and to 23 the number of such activity will be valid, but after start moral crisis, it will be difficult to agree on anything with the people to make contact with partners and authorities. What did tell horoscope for all zodiac signs?

Horoscope for Aries December 2014

This month for the Aries will not be so easy then. He is waiting for a series of misunderstandings and hard feelings. Life will go to the leading place and will be sidelined, it will be replaced by planning its further existence. Questions about material prosperity will block all other thoughts, but this is quite all Aries cmozhete cope without outside interference. It should be in the correct order to determine what is important and what is secondary, and then no spleen does not take precedence over reason Aries.


In December Taurus normally it sums up the year, as it reaps the benefits of its activities. Even if the result is positive, and, it does not mean that the Taurus will be comfortable and calm the soul. Harmony in the soul of Taurus can be achieved only through love. December is the best time to build a serious and lasting relationship. The most favorable time for marriage or cohabitation with his second half.


Gemini this month is to be careful not to start any important things not to assign major events. At the end of the year may not have enough strength and energy. There is a danger of serious scandals teammates or colleagues, be vigilant and not give in to provocations. And best of all at this time to do the opposite of reconciliation in kinship and friendship circles. At the end of the month of Gemini is waiting for financial reward that will cheer up this sign of the zodiac.

Horoscope for December 2014 Cancer

In material terms in cancer this month will be all right, there may be new and unexpected cash receipts in the budget, as well as the return of long-forgotten debts. But in the field of mind is not so stable. Cancers want to run away, to hide from the world, to communicate with people. With the state representatives of this sign must be fought with the help of close contact with interesting people and their relatives.

Leo Zodiac

Earlier this month, Leo waiting for a little stability in monetary terms. However, it does not upset the Lion. He's obsessed with the preparation for the forthcoming celebration of the New Year holidays. At the end of the month is not recommended to make any business deals and transactions.


This month, Virgin will be successful in the field of communication. It is recommended to show everything that I was capable of this sign of the zodiac, the public will support all your outpouring. December to the Virgin the most favorable time for requests to superiors. Stars are advised to be in a pleasant and interesting society interlocutors.

Horoscope for Libra December 2014

In early December, developing activities in all areas of the sign. The balance does not remain in the shade or under what circumstances. Workaholics waiting for the expansion of horizons activities. This is the most opportune time to seek help from management and colleagues. But in the second month, you should not continue in the same rhythm, you have to lay low for a while and relax.


The first month of the winter slow down the whole fervor of Scorpio and send it thereby into hibernation. Lasts a passive state, will be up to 20 numbers, well, then it is bright, and sometimes very violent awakening. Since the energy accumulated during sleep is not enough. It was at this time should be very careful, do not arrange a hearing on the personal level. But participation in competitions, the most noble cause.


All sverhmernye action Sagittarius this month will be made in vain. To this sign is doing, no matter how hard, he does not get satisfaction. Sagittarius is to take a passive stance and try to keep all the things that he already has. Any initiative in this period will not bring success.

Horoscope for December 2014 Capricorn

In early December, Capricorn will develop its activity and business acumen. There is an opportunity to increase their income, receive or confirm its credibility among his superiors and colleagues. In the second half is the time to move on from business and get well-deserved rest.


Contradictions of this month there is no laughing amount. Aquarius insecure can come off the previously planned business, thus turning it to fail. Such Aquarius should leave until the deeds to the family. We were pleased with the family hearth and understanding. This time is for confident Aquarius, with a clear, strategically plan of action.

Horoscope for Pisces

In December 2014, Pisces is to pay as much attention to their relatives and friends, soak up the family comfort. You should not exacerbate their dissatisfaction with the financial plan, later everything returns to normal. It is not recommended at this time to seek more contact with influential people.

Absolutely all zodiac signs this month waiting for an incredibly romantic rush of pre-New Year rush.

For all the signs of the zodiac New Year will be the beginning of new achievements and hopes. Holiday all unite in a common pre-holiday bustle.

Horoscope for January 2014 for all zodiac signs

 Horoscope for January


That finally came to the New Year, a long-awaited holiday for children and adults. But first and foremost, the new year - a new beginning, change events. To start the new year well and know what awaits you and how you prepare for these events bring to your attention - Horoscope for the month of January 2014 for all zodiac signs.

In general, in January 2014 will be more or less favorable, with their difficulties and positive aspects. For all the signs of the zodiac, there are certain recommendations on how to successfully carry out the month of January 2014.


Aries should think about planning some interesting travel in January, it is sure to be an interesting and successful. Excellent choice - is to go to exotic countries.


Taurus, in January 2014 have to be especially careful in matters of health. This is a favorable time for healing the body, visiting resorts. Perhaps the exacerbation of chronic diseases, but at the time of medical care - all fixable.


Gemini this month will be successful in matters related to work, may grow through the ranks, but try to avoid conflicts with his superiors. Such conflicts will be very painful impact on your work.


This would be the best time of year for cancers in terms of love affairs. It is worth thinking about finding his other half, or hike on a date, or to make a marriage proposal. In any case, the cancers in 2014 will not experience the loneliness and lack of attention. So, everything is in your hands.


This month, the lions should be given more time to focus their families and children. There may be difficulty in communication, but they are easy to handle. Try to compromise with friends and family, often inferior to them.


Virgos need to be careful in financial matters. Do not buy important expensive purchases - apartment, car, jewelry. They may apply to you in certain difficulties will be heavy to handle.


Scales are waiting for interesting contacts and thrills. Be ready to meet nice people in the most unusual places, from the shops, restaurants, ending expensive. It is possible that such meetings and communication, eventually will go into something greater and promising.


Scorpions can be in January 2014 to devote his hobby or an interesting hobby. Inspiration will be on your side and you would hardly leave.


For archers this month will be rich in unexpected and pleasant surprises and gifts. Maybe all your secret desires come true just in January. Luck is on your side, but do not forget to enjoy it.


Capricorns will pursue victory in a variety of fronts - money, love, professional. The main thing - apply a little effort to implement them.


Aquarius is devoted to meetings in January with friends and family. Such communication will be very beneficial and positive. The sea of ​​emotions you provided.


Pisces is necessary to abandon this month on long journeys as they can be very devastating event. Pay more attention to the work and the results of your hard work will not keep long. You can start some interesting project or learn a new business.

Horoscope for January 2014 - is a great way to build their plans. It will help you avoid some of the difficulties in various spheres of life. Listen to simple tips and life will sparkle for you rainbow colors. Think positively and all your wishes come true.

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