Cleansing the body of toxins herbal remedies
How often have to listen to recommendations "to clean the body of toxins." Indeed, in the human body can accumulate certain metabolic toxic substances associated with the violation of the excretory organs.
In such cases it is better to begin cleansing the body from intestinal cleansing. But before proceeding to the purification, it is desirable to carry out pre-deployment training, which is summarizing to the organs of excretion toxins, wherever they may be "underlain".
The task of cleaning procedures - only to throw out something that had accumulated in the excretory organs - primarily through the skin.
For this purpose, it is best suited thermal water treatments.
Dehydrated lean and elderly is more appropriate hot tub, obese - a dry sauna, and all steel - wet steam for 5-10 minutes.
After the 3-5 such procedures can proceed to cleanse the colon.
The most simple, affordable and effective way to cleanse the colon - enemas. But first you need to try to restore the microflora of the colon and motility via food.
Colonic motility normalized by the inclusion in the diet of a sufficient number of foods rich in dietary fiber.
These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains. This food has also laxative effect due to the fact that in the colon creates a larger mass that enhances intestinal motility.
Cellulose strongly adsorbs bile which irritating effect on the walls of the large intestine and this stimulates the motility, which also promotes normal bowel. From fruit peristalsis strengthen figs, plums, grapes, dried fruits.
In the intestine, they swell strongly, increasing in volume and weight.
A strong purgative action vegetables have carrots, beets, and fresh salad.
In the cabbage a lot of fiber, it is very useful for constipation. But colitis it is not recommended, as it is crude fiber.
In addition to the above-mentioned "strong" products for the normal functioning of the intestines and other useful - watermelons, melons, honey and any vegetable oil, black bread.