How to make money online writing articles on order

It is no secret that the birth of a child, the welfare of many families decreases significantly. Therefore, the desire of women as quickly as possible to return to active work, identifying the child in the manger or leaving mamok-nurses, it is understandable. How to earn money for the family budget, if work outside the home is not possible for you, and have a profession does not allow to work remotely?

You can write articles for sites for the money, in this case does not have to be a professional journalist or copywriter. Today, thanks to the active development of the Internet and e-commerce, demand for unique content information portals, virtual shops, sites of commercial companies.

Writing articles to order is not a complicated matter, as it seems at first glance. Although a novice, it raises many questions: "Where to start? "," Where can I find clients? "," How it is possible to make money online "," What skills are needed? "

Exchange articles. Real money online without investment

To begin with registration on the exchange of articles. This is such an online service that helps customers find each other and copywriters. There are many similar services, E_t_x_t - one of the most well-known, trusted and respected of them.

Registration and access to all the orders on this exchange is free. You can use it to get an extra income online at home, combining work with nurturing offspring and home routine. After all, you can work when you are comfortable and in any volume.

Service e_t_x_t interest you earned, because his income - is a commission of the value of sold articles. Therefore, it monitors the timeliness of the payment order and its translation into your e-wallet, regulates disputes, advises on working with your service.

What skills are needed to write articles for sites for money?

Do not confuse the lack of experience. The road to the profession of copywriter you open the literacy and the ability to clearly express their thoughts. An important tool to be any additional special knowledge and skills. You are well versed in computer technology, know how to hang wallpaper, crocheting, and breed aquarium fish? Tell us about it in their articles, and they are sure to be in demand.

Another important condition is that the uniqueness of the text, which is verified by a special program. E_t_x_t is the developer of such software. It can be downloaded for free from the website of the exchange. In the beginning, the real money on the Internet without attachments, you provide a simple rewrite orders - paraphrase information from a single source.

Stuffed thus hand you can go to copywriting - the creation of unique materials on the basis of information from several sources, his own life experience. Can not wait until you will have customers, and to write and to sell ready-made material on topics close to you, and in a variety of genres. You can also apply for the execution of orders.

Writing articles to order is also an opportunity for creativity and self-realization.

Many women and men have successfully write articles on various topics, and are you ready?

Go ahead, please register as a performer and * start earning money at home !

Successful start! Every day, thousands of orders waiting for their authors.

* When registering at the bottom of the page "Operating data" change the status of "Customer" on the status of "Artist".

After registration, activate your account. Do not come to an activation? We have to check in the mail folder "Spam". There are cases where a letter to confirm your account fall into the spam.

Where to start work on the stock exchange?

Quite simply, in the left menu, click "View all orders", check all orders waiting for their authors, conditions, terms. In those orders, that you like and you can meet them, daring to apply. Do not forget to check the status of your application, customers may have to trust you to work and take your application for writing articles.

You can write articles on any topic and put them up for sale, for this purpose in the left menu click "Add article". Carefully check the article before adding that there are no typos and errors.

Good luck to you on the internet earnings.

If you have been helpful this article, put on her tab in your account soc. networks, though others know that you can earn on the Internet (the button placement on the left side of the page).

Thank you Bookmark.

If you still have any questions, please write them in the comments. Good luck to all!

How do we look to find a job


Undoubtedly, when applying for a job, an important role is played by appearance. Therefore, pay special attention to its positive image, image, preparing for an interview. Perhaps he has already been created organically and express your essence. Then fine.

Still, it makes sense to mention those factors, which draws the attention of the employer in the first place when it comes to the candidate for the post.

Pay attention to how you look. Any employee of personnel service or the employer do not hesitate okinet you look clingy, will provide some details of your appearance, and on this basis will begin to make their own conclusions. So look at the first meeting and the interview plays a crucial role. Consider some of the tips.

Hairstyle, mustache and beard, if any, should be okay, hair neatly trimmed, washed and combed. Women should not do specifically complex, evening hairstyle.

Best makeup - discreet, emphasizing the expressive features and hide flaws in the skin. Lipstick should not be calling. It is undesirable to use bright, noticeable eye shadow.

Too bright eyebrow tint better, because they give the tired expression of the face, and a woman is less authoritative. You should not apply concealer or blush thick, better light day cream. Do not use false eyelashes.

The only decoration needed - a wedding ring, if there is one, of course. The smaller the other decorations - the better. If you wear glasses, the frame should be medium-sized, plastic or horn. People in dark glasses are not credible. It was escorted to the mind, and still meet on clothes.

The correct choice of clothes can greatly affect the decision on employment.

For example, we can recommend:

• before choosing clothes, think about what you are going not on a date, and imagine with someone you have met on the job;

• modesty, cleanliness, taste, cleanliness and orderliness should be inalienable principles your ensemble of clothing;

• does not appear in the interview in the trendy thing;

• Do not wear trousers, high-heeled shoes, platform, and pantyhose erotic flowers.

Experts believe that more acceptable dress with sleeves, preferably long. According to them, the recommended colors for business dress - gray, beige, dark blue, brown, dark brown.

In general, the type of clothing business rather monotonous. The man needs a formal suit, not necessarily new, but not battered, tasteful tie, but not flashy and bright, carefully polished shoes.

During the interview, the person should be given a calm expression. Any employee of the personnel department or the employer itself will closely monitor your reactions.

From him he will not escape, and your gestures, which can also be characterized person. Without giving myself sometimes report during the conversation we talk and body language. Gestures reflect our response to what is happening, provide feedback.

It is not necessary to express the posture carelessness, overconfidence and independence. Do not wave your hands. In general gestures should not be sharp, because they usually suggest imbalance and uncertainty.

Gestures nervousness protection manifested in coughing, throat clearing, pozvanivanie keys in his pocket, twitching his ear, crossed hands on his chest, a fist to brush whitening joints, it is best not to reveal.

Be attentive to your body movements during the interview and observe the advice to create a favorable impression of himself.

How do we look to find a job


Undoubtedly, when applying for a job, an important role is played by appearance. Therefore, pay special attention to its positive image, image, preparing for an interview. Perhaps he has already been created organically and express your essence. Then fine.

Still, it makes sense to mention those factors, which draws the attention of the employer in the first place when it comes to the candidate for the post.

Pay attention to how you look. Any employee of personnel service or the employer do not hesitate okinet you look clingy, will provide some details of your appearance, and on this basis will begin to make their own conclusions. So look at the first meeting and the interview plays a crucial role. Consider some of the tips.

Hairstyle, mustache and beard, if any, should be okay, hair neatly trimmed, washed and combed. Women should not do specifically complex, evening hairstyle.

Best makeup - discreet, emphasizing the expressive features and hide flaws in the skin. Lipstick should not be calling. It is undesirable to use bright, noticeable eye shadow.

Too bright eyebrow tint better, because they give the tired expression of the face, and a woman is less authoritative. You should not apply concealer or blush thick, better light day cream. Do not use false eyelashes.

The only decoration needed - a wedding ring, if there is one, of course. The smaller the other decorations - the better. If you wear glasses, the frame should be medium-sized, plastic or horn. People in dark glasses are not credible. It was escorted to the mind, and still meet on clothes.

The correct choice of clothes can greatly affect the decision on employment.

For example, we can recommend:

• before choosing clothes, think about what you are going not on a date, and imagine with someone you have met on the job;

• modesty, cleanliness, taste, cleanliness and orderliness should be inalienable principles your ensemble of clothing;

• does not appear in the interview in the trendy thing;

• Do not wear trousers, high-heeled shoes, platform, and pantyhose erotic flowers.

Experts believe that more acceptable dress with sleeves, preferably long. According to them, the recommended colors for business dress - gray, beige, dark blue, brown, dark brown.

In general, the type of clothing business rather monotonous. The man needs a formal suit, not necessarily new, but not battered, tasteful tie, but not flashy and bright, carefully polished shoes.

During the interview, the person should be given a calm expression. Any employee of the personnel department or the employer itself will closely monitor your reactions.

From him he will not escape, and your gestures, which can also be characterized person. Without giving myself sometimes report during the conversation we talk and body language. Gestures reflect our response to what is happening, provide feedback.

It is not necessary to express the posture carelessness, overconfidence and independence. Do not wave your hands. In general gestures should not be sharp, because they usually suggest imbalance and uncertainty.

Gestures nervousness protection manifested in coughing, throat clearing, pozvanivanie keys in his pocket, twitching his ear, crossed hands on his chest, a fist to brush whitening joints, it is best not to reveal.

Be attentive to your body movements during the interview and observe the advice to create a favorable impression of himself.

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