At the time, the official medicine has put forward his own theory of power.
Emphasis was placed on the fact that the body has to provide itself with all the necessary nutrients from a certain weight of the various products in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
These components of the products must be in a certain ratio.
Since proteins are the building blocks in the body, and, moreover, it can be formed of proteins and fats, carbohydrates, and not vice versa, the proteins as the principal elements necessary for the activity of the organism.
Proper diet
It is also considered an indicator of the value of its caloric content of food, which is determined by the amount of heat generated by the combustion of the product in the calorimeter.
Thus, protein-energy diet of the nineteenth century and to this day is recognized by official medicine.
The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the following - 1: 1: 4.
Nutritionists developed standards of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for different population groups, as well as the required number of calories.
But, despite the fact that each person can calculate for themselves the necessary amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories, and taking advantage of the numerous available tables, failures in his health are observed quite frequently.
These failures caused not only by environment or lifestyle and nutrition.
The most characteristic of the disease, as a result of errors in the diet - obesity, excess cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, tooth decay, heart disease, arthritis, kidney and gallstones.
Most people resort to medication and doctors. But it's almost nothing. Diseases can not be cured, and the body gets used to the constant reception of medicines. And drugs cause a number of diseases.
In addition to the recognized official doctrine were constantly searching for alternative forms. Some nutritionists believe that you can increase the life expectancy of only through a balanced diet.
Under a balanced diet mean a balanced intake of food a person with all the necessary substances for life.
Our food - is the input energy as light, water, air and living manifestation in the form of heat, breathing, thinking, allocation in the form of carbon dioxide, urine, sweat - is withdrawn energy.
To stay healthy, young and beautiful, it is necessary that there be a balance between the energy input (food) and output (vital expression). This postulate is fully consistent with one of the basic laws of physics.
However, the calorie to our health has nothing to do. This can be pretty easy to convince, looking round people daily consume fat, meat, high-calorie foods.
Proper and healthy eating can be delicious
A healthy diet should be based on balanced plant foods. There is such a product, which would have included all the necessary material. The only exception is breast milk, which the child eats in the first year of life, it is easy to replace a child everything vital products.
Bread, pasta, various cereals and potatoes person needs each day. Scientists have proved that these products provide not only energy, but also have minerals and vitamins B and C.
With regard to these products, according to scientists at odds, with some claiming that these products strongly recover, while others claim that these products get better less than, for example, alcohol.
It is necessary to use several times a day more than 400 grams of fruit and vegetables, though quite different. In vegetables and fruit rich in iron, folic acid, minerals, from which the pressure is reduced, the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Dairy products such as yogurt, yogurt or cheese should be eaten each day. Especially dairy products need children and women. If a person does not like dairy products, then they can be replaced with fish, greens.
Instead of fatty meat products better to eat peas, beans, lentils, fish, poultry, not fat, such as turkey or fatty meat can be beef. Sausages, sausages, pates purchased should not be eaten, and if much want to, you can make the most of the low-fat products.
The daily calorie fat can be used from 15 to 30%. To be food more healthy, you need to be steamed, baked, cook.
More healthy eating when it is desirable to reduce the consumption of sugar, and it is better to drink plain water, not sweet. Salt can use no more than 6 grams per day. The best salt - iodized.
Alcohol should not be consumed more than 20 grams per day.
Always at home need to keep products in which sufficient micronutrients. This olive oil, nuts, fish, avocados. These products are very good effect on the cardiovascular system.
But not enough to have healthy foods at home, you need to also know how to properly prepare and delicious. Here are some recipes to help the hostess, which is important to a healthy diet:
Meatballs with mushroom sauce and pumpkin puree:
Cooking will go 30 minutes. Makes 4 servings.
Chop half a kilo of pumpkin into small pieces and cook until tender. Drain and add the pepper and salt to taste 4 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil and mash with a fork, mixing these ingredients.
In a separate bowl, mix half a kilo of meat, half a cup onion, finely chopped greens, 2 egg whites, stir the meatballs and sculpt their approximately 15-16 pieces. out.
Fry meatballs in the pan, so they turned golden crust, sleeps 1 tbsp. fresh mushrooms, pour 1 tbsp. soup can of water, reduce the heat, cover the pan and simmer until cooked. Lay down on a plate of mashed pumpkin and pour the sauce with meatballs. Bon Appetit!
Rice with vegetables and chicken:
In a frying pan over medium heat, heat the oil and fry 2 cloves of garlic. Then add the chopped chicken pound until golden brown, then add 1 tbsp. brown rice and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, mix.
Then you need to pour into the same container 2 tbsp. chicken broth, salt and pepper to your taste, bring to a boil. Make a fire and let less then 20 minutes.
Then lay out the rice with fillets chopped red bell pepper 1 cup and 2 cups broccoli, cover and stew for another 5 minutes. Then mix everything. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped green onions. Bon Appetit!
Let all women are looking for their food, their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Tips for healthy eating woman after 40 years
At any age, a woman, it is important to eat right. But the most pressing question becomes power after 40 years. Despite the fact that these days are full of middle-aged women are more health and strength, in this age, there is a risk of some cardiovascular, gynecological and other diseases. After 40 years may appear depressed and depression, which are before the hormonal changes the body during menopause.
Why are added after 40 kilos
The rate of metabolism in women after forty years, gradually slowing down. Given that many of the fairer sex at that age greatly reduce physical activity, excess calories are not burned and accumulate in body fat. Accustomed to their normal diet, a woman a few years, can significantly add to the weight, if you do not reduce caloric intake and the amount of food. A good tool for weighing food portions and serve a la carte scales.
The body begins after 40 preparing for a radical restructuring of the hormone. It produces fewer female hormones and ovarian function fading partly takes over the adipose tissue. Therefore, weight gain is natural and expected. But do not be upset: weight control is difficult, but possible.
Strict diet - not your choice
It is not necessary after 40 years to resort to strict diets and great physical stress. Needless intense struggle for slim figure could hurt, because the body will not be able to somehow compensate for the lack of hormones. As a consequence, there may be symptoms of insomnia, irritability and depression. And the condition of the skin as a result of drastic weight loss will worsen: it droop, and there will be new wrinkles. In addition, a strict diet increases the risk of osteoporosis because their exposure disrupts the balance of calcium in the body. After the age of 40 years should not be so neglected state of their skeletal system, it is already undergoing a complex age-related changes.
Correct diet
It was at this age should carefully reconsider your diet and adjust it. From the refined foods should be abandoned in favor of the crude. White sugar, rice, flour products will not do you any good.
Completely abandon the carbohydrates can not. Useful whole grain cereals and bread, can reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood vessels and reduce the risk of many diseases. Important benefits and bowel motility which weakens with age.
A good basis for food are vegetables. For women entering the menopause, is a diet with a predominance of fruit and vegetables, both fresh and steamed, boiled or stewed. In summer, take care that your freezer was filled with vegetables that help out in the winter. It should be added to the diet of legumes (beans, peas and lentils), because they contain antioxidants, so necessary for the health of blood vessels and prevention of cancer.
Useful in this period of life puree and juices of vegetables, which will help prepare the juicer or regular grater.
Meat consumption should be reduced, because an excess (especially fat) triggers blood vessel disease and gout. An excellent alternative is to fish. Marine grade than the protein-rich in omega-3.
From dairy products you can afford low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt and some cheese to supplement the calcium in the body.
Remember a few simple rules:
• grow thin naturally, refuse undue experimentation with a variety of drugs for weight loss and strict diet;
• Eat little and often (4-5 times a day), small portions;
• as snacks replace the rolls and burgers fresh fruit, yogurt and nuts;
• Create a menu for the week and be careful with the purchase of the desired products);
• observe drinking regime - drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. Minimize the use of alcohol.
Love yourself and be always healthy and beautiful!