How to avoid unnecessary quarrels in family life


In every family there are quarrels and it is almost impossible to avoid, but why some families are collapsing, not wanting to have anything to do with each other, while the other, with such differences, make concessions and maintain the integrity of the family?

What is the basis of a family relationship, which the quarrel - it's just a shake, not a reason for divorce?

The quarrel between husband and wife is always based on non-compliance of any views that they are trying to defend.

Failure to understand the point of view of someone close to conflict, usually as a result of the offense appears squabbles and each remains unconvinced. However, what is the point of dispute, if no concessions and both firmly believe in the rightness of its own? Perhaps this is just a test of the strength of the relationship, and not everyone goes through it.

Patience is one of the most important properties of the fundamental relations, which is dominated by love, mutual respect. Therefore, it is important to use this quality, because it is thanks to the patience, you can ride out a crisis point in the family life.

You should also understand that selfishness significantly spoils our quality of life and to no good it will not. Everyone is selfish to a certain extent, but it is important to comply with the very brink, where pride of man will be satisfied, but not to the detriment of loved ones.

Thus, the relations have maintained integrity as a man thinks in the first place not only about themselves, thus the chances of peacefully resolve the dispute significantly increased.

If the attention of one of the spouses is limited exclusively to itself, it would soon break a relationship, but love disappears as a consequence of constant contradictions that arise in family life.

Equally important is the ability to analyze family conflict problem, learn how to assess the situation from several sides. In this case, solutions will be more objective in relation to each other.

For example, as a result of a minor quarrel man he said everything that has to say to your partner, and after a short period of time begins to regret what he had done, because the conflict has left an unpleasant aftertaste and another crack in the family unit.

Such cases - are not uncommon, but it happens due to incorrect assessment, failure to objective analysis and acrimony.

Put yourself in your partner and try to answer honestly, what would you do in such a quarrel? What would you have noticed?

If answering honestly, you still can not understand the point of view of their loved one, then it should be easy to talk about it face to face, not giving much emotion. As a rule, conflicts are resolved through frank conversation, so it's important to be honest with each other. Within reason of course.

Try to be more restrained in the manifestation of negative emotions, it directly affects both sides. Yes, keep calm in some quarrels can be very difficult, but if a conflict arose from the little things, then we can help it.

In any case, you have nothing to lose, and if you do something very painful, it is necessary to talk about this, it is desirable at a time when emotions prevail in your consciousness. In this case, more likely to be understood differently, because negative emotions cause antipathy in the partner and sometimes return experienced relationship becomes something unattainable.

If you take into account all of the above tips, your life free from unnecessary empty quarrels and disagreements.

Naturally, conflicts always arise, but let them stay only those who really have a weighty significance in your life. Only they are worthy of your attention, but on a trifle, like everyday bytovuhi, do not waste your nerves and emotions. Appreciate your partners, and they will respond to you in return.

How to avoid unnecessary quarrels in family life


In every family there are quarrels and it is almost impossible to avoid, but why some families are collapsing, not wanting to have anything to do with each other, while the other, with such differences, make concessions and maintain the integrity of the family?

What is the basis of a family relationship, which the quarrel - it's just a shake, not a reason for divorce?

The quarrel between husband and wife is always based on non-compliance of any views that they are trying to defend.

Failure to understand the point of view of someone close to conflict, usually as a result of the offense appears squabbles and each remains unconvinced. However, what is the point of dispute, if no concessions and both firmly believe in the rightness of its own? Perhaps this is just a test of the strength of the relationship, and not everyone goes through it.

Patience is one of the most important properties of the fundamental relations, which is dominated by love, mutual respect. Therefore, it is important to use this quality, because it is thanks to the patience, you can ride out a crisis point in the family life.

You should also understand that selfishness significantly spoils our quality of life and to no good it will not. Everyone is selfish to a certain extent, but it is important to comply with the very brink, where pride of man will be satisfied, but not to the detriment of loved ones.

Thus, the relations have maintained integrity as a man thinks in the first place not only about themselves, thus the chances of peacefully resolve the dispute significantly increased.

If the attention of one of the spouses is limited exclusively to itself, it would soon break a relationship, but love disappears as a consequence of constant contradictions that arise in family life.

Equally important is the ability to analyze family conflict problem, learn how to assess the situation from several sides. In this case, solutions will be more objective in relation to each other.

For example, as a result of a minor quarrel man he said everything that has to say to your partner, and after a short period of time begins to regret what he had done, because the conflict has left an unpleasant aftertaste and another crack in the family unit.

Such cases - are not uncommon, but it happens due to incorrect assessment, failure to objective analysis and acrimony.

Put yourself in your partner and try to answer honestly, what would you do in such a quarrel? What would you have noticed?

If answering honestly, you still can not understand the point of view of their loved one, then it should be easy to talk about it face to face, not giving much emotion. As a rule, conflicts are resolved through frank conversation, so it's important to be honest with each other. Within reason of course.

Try to be more restrained in the manifestation of negative emotions, it directly affects both sides. Yes, keep calm in some quarrels can be very difficult, but if a conflict arose from the little things, then we can help it.

In any case, you have nothing to lose, and if you do something very painful, it is necessary to talk about this, it is desirable at a time when emotions prevail in your consciousness. In this case, more likely to be understood differently, because negative emotions cause antipathy in the partner and sometimes return experienced relationship becomes something unattainable.

If you take into account all of the above tips, your life free from unnecessary empty quarrels and disagreements.

Naturally, conflicts always arise, but let them stay only those who really have a weighty significance in your life. Only they are worthy of your attention, but on a trifle, like everyday bytovuhi, do not waste your nerves and emotions. Appreciate your partners, and they will respond to you in return.

The development of harmonious family relations


Family relations are of great importance for each family member individually, or together. They are completely dependent on the weather in the house. Yes, and it will work much better if the house all right. In this article we will tell you about how to achieve harmony in the family.

Successful development of family relations depends on both spouses and their performance of their duties. The relationship will not develop by themselves. So to have everything you need to harmoniously its efforts on both sides.

• You must yield to each other, and always look for a compromise.

For example, if your husband does not like the fact that you spend much time with a book, read a book in his absence.

• Learn to relax.

After all, the preservation of harmony depends on your patience and tranquility.

• Take as much care in relation to each other.

Plant a tree near the house and take care of him together. This will teach you to exercise great care and patience towards others. For example, in the East it decided to grow bonsai.

It spent a lot of effort, patience and time. Therefore, in the house where growing bonsai, there is always a peace and tranquility. A person who is engaged in cultivation of plants less susceptible to stress and adverse effects of the external world.

• trust each other.

It is not necessary to follow every step of its second half. Give him as much freedom, and then he will cease from you something to hide and will treat you tenderly.

• Work out, with one species together.

This will help you strengthen your relationship. You can walk together in the skating rink, skiing, or sledding hill. It will take you a lot of pleasant emotions and make your life more colorful and diverse.

Even if you are not a fan of moving sports, this does not prevent you from becoming a fan. Go to a football or hockey and more for your favorite team. So you distract from problems and more united.

Also, after the game you will want to discuss it. So you will have more common interests, which means you can spend more time together.

• Give the man a new line of thought.

Pre-prepared, try to captivate its hiking, fishing or cycling. It's much better than just lying on the couch, buried in the TV.

• It is necessary to look for a partner as a person, not just as a husband / wife.

It is not necessary to impose their views. He may decide to do better than today.

• We need to help each other advice. It should be just advice, not a guide to action.

• At the time of the quarrel, do not try to hurt the partner of "live".
If you do it right, the row will be held and there will be insults at each other.

• Take all the important decisions together.

• Do not forget that the other half should be a surprise.
From time to time arrange each other surprises, giving small gifts and then your feelings will never cool down.

Never forget that we are building our family life, and we must try to make it harmonious.

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