Effective summer diet for 5 days

 The diet for quick weight loss

So it is a long-awaited summer. So like the heat of the sun, green - and we got it. But, unfortunately, the summer brings not only joy and delight, but also new experiences and concerns.

So you want to soak up the sun, go to the beach, but ... bring the body in the required form after the winter and did not happen. What to do? Is this omission is now negate such a long-awaited vacation? Fortunately, around a lot of useful information that will help solve this problem. In particular, it is information on how you can lose weight fast with diet.

Effective summer diet which is designed for 5 days

First day.

1st Breakfast: tea without sugar and a slice of rye bread is preferred;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. no fat cottage cheese;

Lunch: fish soup with cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.


1st Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a couple of walnuts;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. not fat yogurt and 1/2 banana;

Lunch: soup with beef, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

Third day.

1st Breakfast: coffee without sugar and toast;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. not fat yogurt and 100 grams. raspberry / blackcurrant;

Lunch: soup with chicken, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.


1st Breakfast: green tea without sugar and crackers;

2nd Breakfast: 100 gr. cabbage salad and boiled egg;

Lunch: fish soup with cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

The fifth day.

1st Breakfast: tea green / black is not sweet, and 100 grams. any (seasonal) fruit;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. yogurt with low fat content and a couple of walnuts;

Lunch: soup with beef, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

Perhaps surprised by the monotonous dinner, but if you do every evening assortment of different vegetables, it is its diversity. The body takes a good year thanks to a diet and get fresh vegetables and berries a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals and the minimum number of calories, so you can quickly lose weight for the benefit of the organism.

The only downside is that the efficiency is increased only in the summer due to high temperature and the amount of physical activity.

Effective summer diet for 5 days

 The diet for quick weight loss

So it is a long-awaited summer. So like the heat of the sun, green - and we got it. But, unfortunately, the summer brings not only joy and delight, but also new experiences and concerns.

So you want to soak up the sun, go to the beach, but ... bring the body in the required form after the winter and did not happen. What to do? Is this omission is now negate such a long-awaited vacation? Fortunately, around a lot of useful information that will help solve this problem. In particular, it is information on how you can lose weight fast with diet.

Effective summer diet which is designed for 5 days

First day.

1st Breakfast: tea without sugar and a slice of rye bread is preferred;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. no fat cottage cheese;

Lunch: fish soup with cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.


1st Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a couple of walnuts;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. not fat yogurt and 1/2 banana;

Lunch: soup with beef, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

Third day.

1st Breakfast: coffee without sugar and toast;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. not fat yogurt and 100 grams. raspberry / blackcurrant;

Lunch: soup with chicken, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.


1st Breakfast: green tea without sugar and crackers;

2nd Breakfast: 100 gr. cabbage salad and boiled egg;

Lunch: fish soup with cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

The fifth day.

1st Breakfast: tea green / black is not sweet, and 100 grams. any (seasonal) fruit;

2nd Breakfast: 200 gr. yogurt with low fat content and a couple of walnuts;

Lunch: soup with beef, cabbage and tomatoes, but without browning vegetables.

Dinner: 200 gr. stewed vegetables without added butter or steamed and a slice of rye bread.

Perhaps surprised by the monotonous dinner, but if you do every evening assortment of different vegetables, it is its diversity. The body takes a good year thanks to a diet and get fresh vegetables and berries a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals and the minimum number of calories, so you can quickly lose weight for the benefit of the organism.

The only downside is that the efficiency is increased only in the summer due to high temperature and the amount of physical activity.

Oatmeal on the water and pudding recipes

 Oatmeal diet for weight loss results, oatmeal recipe on water use, cooking oatmeal

Hardly anyone else in the form of porridge rises appetite, but in the meantime, its nutritional value is hard to overestimate.

Oats - one of the most unpretentious of cereals, thanks to which in all ages survived peasants, he fills the body with strength and spirit - the will!


Oatmeal on the water and oil-free - comes in many medical supply system as foods rich in vitamins and trace elements. Furthermore, oatmeal contains a substance capable of reducing the level of harmful cholesterol, with no effect on the amount of beneficial cholesterol.

Due to the oatmeal diet decreases the risk of atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Since the 80s of the twentieth century, oat products are beginning to be considered as a dietetic and stand up for them are proponents of healthy eating as Herbert Shelton and Michel Montignac.

Oatmeal and becoming one of basic products to be included in the diet with a diet, recovery and nutrition of sick and convalescent.


Cook therapeutic porridge is extremely simple - you need to soak half a cup of oatmeal in two cups of water for two hours when he was swell, pour the water and bring to a boil over low heat.

You can make it even easier and brew boiling water over oats in a thermos - it is much more useful than boiling. Eat porridge in the morning on an empty stomach is necessary and in the evening two hours before sleep, trying to eliminate from your diet all harmful - a month the body is updated.

Oatmeal diet

Along with porridge that happy to eat the patients with gastrointestinal problems, for the treatment and rehabilitation of widely used oatmeal.

Oatmeal, which is now even put "on stream" and is available in the form of bags, the contents of which does not require cooking, but only in the breeding of warm water, the human body is able to give all the necessary deducing toxins, thereby stimulating weight loss.

Weight loss in the oatmeal is based on the purification of the body, remove toxins and normalization of metabolic processes, whereby the long-term accumulation of fat burned.


Oatmeal to reduce excess weight, prepared independently, operates even more efficiently. To make it, take a glass of unpeeled oats, half a cup of oatmeal, 30 g sour cream and 150 ml of water.

All the ingredients are mixed and placed in a jar, covered marlechkoy mixture to "breathe." Kissel brewed for three days, then it is drained and the liquid were welded to a boil and drink warm before each "bite", but if you want and whenever you want, just a little.

This food supplement causes saturation before eating, loss of appetite and rapid weight loss.

Royal oatmeal

A more sophisticated method called "royal jelly" - for him to take a glass of oats, and the bay with five cups of water, soar over low heat for about five hours, rubbed through a sieve, press, once again wipe and add all but the husk, to the liquid.

Drink a thick jelly should be on an empty stomach, you can add a little honey - so even better and faster the process of purification and weight loss. The only condition - jelly should be warm.

The easiest way to prepare oatmeal is the following: two tablespoons of oats need to take a glass of boiling water, brew for the night and in the morning strain and drink the broth.


After months of oat procedures "leave" from 3 to 5 kg of excess weight!

Do not be scared if a couple of days after the start of "oat" food you will have a stomach upset, or pimples appear on the face - this body will actively cleaned, bringing all the harmful from the intestine and through the pores.

In no case do not throw the diet, and in a week, your skin will become soft and velvety, and the gut starts to work like clockwork, without delaying the body does not drop the excess fat!

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