Second marriage - the risk of all the rules


How could we not rejoice all the benefits of a free life, sooner or later we will think about the wedding.

Especially hard to come back to this idea after the failure of the first marriage. But such is the nature of women, pulls us to hang himself on the neck collar ...

What do you know a divorced woman

One is always easier than two. That she knows exactly, especially if she has already had the opportunity to enjoy all the pleasures of life together. You do not have to no one held accountable for the evening, listening to inappropriate comments about their appearance and guessing the tea leaves, when your only deign to return home.

Anyway, wander into the back streets of male psychology is not too fun. Especially after all the research conclusions are very disappointing. After several years of marriage, it is obvious that you never will not wait (and you can not get) from a man as expressions of love that you deserve.

At best, he will try to portray something like 8th of March. It makes no sense to wait from him fidelity and devotion. Since it is indisputable proof of the love that he still remembers about you.

Anyway, is it possible to understand the creature, who grow facial hair? Perhaps that is why the application of the last lover of the series: "I am on you will never marry" in a divorced woman is melancholy smile ...

Who says I want it?

And indeed, he, poor fellow, and head clogging horror stories about predators prowling the world in search of unmarried men do not come, you're on this subject have not even thought of that. But now, all joking aside, once your partner to speak on such a slippery subject, would have to really weigh the "pros" and "cons" of the secondary marriage.

And think about what is really there. People say that the second marriage "by themselves." And that has its reasons. You're not a young girl, to whom love had fallen, as a natural disaster. And before you make another important decision in your life, look to have a better partner.

If he has an amazing sense of taste, then you do not know how many years will have to carefully monitor him and the clothes of his (God forbid spot on the inner side of the pad).

Even worse is the type of strict liability - it will check all the monthly bills and harass you reprimand for what you have not paid for the apartment in April. By the way, to deal with all these matters will still have you.


And not only this sadness. You noticed how fear runs through you, if your brand new makes any gesture, even remotely resembling your ex. We humans are superstitious, and even every insignificant detail can see a hint of future problems.

One of my friends immediately retreated from the cute and nice guy just because he told her some ice, reminding her former husband ... There is a ghost of drags and your lover (especially if he was already married), they have it even more.

Former girlfriend or wife and children from his first marriage, and the whole complex of memories and experiences. And you, if you seriously decided to link it with his life, will have to examine it carefully and clean as an inveterate dirt. Especially a lot of trouble may occur with the former.

These two seem to be several years tied some kind of relationship, and, anyway, the link remained. The woman let even pass his klutz in good hands, unless it around, you will want to help the board or expose his inner self.

Although it is likely, does not claim to your place, get rid of her goodwill have once and for all. In the end, its current situation proves that her technique was not the best.


Here's a dilemma. And the most unpleasant - no one will help you solve it. Even a psychoanalyst (especially Russia). Painfully intimate question. Especially do not listen to friends who have an infinite number of their own reasons to give or not to give you in marriage.

Here and jealousy, and sincere intentions, and what is there not. In any case, you have to make the decision herself. And the main thing - to understand, are you ready to own a second marriage. For mature love should be cherished and nurtured like a rare flower, one false move - and it will wither.

Patience, the ability to understand or notice the little things and the little things do not - that's the law of re-marriage. And if you still can not put up with mud on his boots or crumbs under his plate, maybe worth the wait?


The man you hooked


The different fishing from catching the men?

The correct answer is: nothing.

If every time wishing soup for dinner, you sit on a bench by the pond and wait, the fish itself drop by to you in a pan, you will go to bed hungry.

If you,   wishing to marry , Sit on a bench in the park and wait when a man approaches you, you'll go to bed alone.

Permitted fishing

To catch a worm

The simplest, most honest and most tedious way to .... Suitable for udilschits patient, focused on smart finicky fish. Before you start you need to carefully consider the image of the victim's life: to find out what she likes, at what depth floats and it's easier to just bite.

Do not be amiss to consult with more experienced anglers who already had to deal with this fish (for example - the ex-wife). Then prepare the bait: if the fish likes slender blondes - ahead in the gym and hairdresser if crazy smart women - start writing his thesis, if the future value dinner in the first place the welfare of - stock up a solid bank account.

It is advisable to hang a worm on a hook right in front of the fish, so it does not start to doubt: whether it is prepared for this tidbit? The worm has to be still alive and wriggling briskly, attracting everyone's attention - on your laurels moldy Miss camp work and rest bite decade ago, except that crazy minnow.

Catch trolling

Almost no different from catching a worm, except that no goodies on the hook actually there, and fish is conducted on a pure illusion. Baubles can be, for example, a certificate of a solid bank account, made his own on a color printer with a friend in the office.

A very popular type of spinner - a brilliant appearance, every day before going to bed carefully washed from the face with cleansing milk and soap. Bras with foam inserts, Waist belt, high heels, wigs and corsets are widely distributed and used while fishing in all seasons.

NB: if the fish pecked trolling, you have to be great effort, so it does not tear at the same moment, as soon as will feel that there is a worm on a hook. Try to slip away flutter fish stun phrase: "Honey, you'll be a dad" - and quickly dragged into the pan.


If every day to throw in the pond porridge, soon all the fish living in the pond, begin to swim to the shore and wait for feeding. It was then that need to bail her out net. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" - the old truth still has not been canceled.

From the habit of coming to your office for tea and cake before the application to the registrar is not so far away as people think udilschitsy inexperienced. So start with porridge - leave the exterior of the second. In the case of fishing for men, porridge also effectively replace the endless rave compliments you dense scatter around the fish.

Praise his professionalism, his strength and courage, his beautiful eyes and a shiny bald head, praise him for his virtues and flaws, do not let go and returned to life in the self-catering. At some point, the fish will understand that he can not live without daily bait, and she will float into your network.

Poaching fishing methods

During spawning

At certain times of year, males become completely irresponsible. The instinct of procreation drives single males upstream, they bear, jumping on the steep rapids, injuring his belly on the rocks, at this time, you can catch them with your bare hands.

During spawning fish overcomes the only desire: to find a female. Once they find it - they pounce on it. Therefore, your task - as much as possible to resemble the available female and the least resemble a human.

As you know, it needs all the forces to emphasize the secondary sexual characteristics and dress in flashy outfits invitingly from sparkling iridescent scales and feathers. When looking at you, he does not see any woman, but only pink salmon in breeding plumage, with bulging eyes rushing in search of male - success is guaranteed.

The trawl nets

To accurately hit the target, you do not shoot a gun at a target, and to lay a dense artillery fire the entire plot area from the village to the hill. Quantity becomes quality. Best net for catching men - a World Wide Web, World Wide Web.

The traps are placed in each well-known to you Internet based marriage agency. Try to ensure that your network has been as widely as possible (do not list in detail the quality of the men who would like to catch, let them go all the jamb, then will discard unnecessary), and as finely as possible (posted on the front page photo of a girl from the "Playboy"

The following text is: "21 years, 165 cm, 90 - 60 - 90, a law student, residence in Moscow, English - fluent, affectionate, faithful, sexy, without complexes, looking for a great and pure love, a man appreciate not appearance, and responsive soul "). Next row is a fish trawl and throw overboard the one that does not suit you - let floating belly-up on.

Wilderness dynamite

No need to wait for favors from nature - must be approached and take them herself. If you do not give good-naturedly - to select the power! If men do not hurry with the proposals - you need to take them, not delikatnichaya not build yourself out of touchy. After the banquet in the office he wakes up in a strange apartment, tormented by severe hangover and mild amnesia.

Some vaguely familiar woman (Olenka? Nadia? From a financial-planning or marketing?), Stretch it, in order: an effervescent aspirin in a glass of water, a positive pregnancy test and an invitation to the registrar on solemn registration of marriage, scheduled for tomorrow's number.

While he struggles with dumbness and drinks aspirin, gently murmured in his ear: "Get up, my dear, it's time to go to measure suit. Your mother has come to us for a wedding, and the machine is not yet booked, you need to hurry. "

Very important: while fishing do not make noise, do not shout, do not stomp their feet and not mutite water. And in general: more silent and kept his eyes on the float.

Remember chatter scares the fish.

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