In my opinion, smoking - the biggest shame of our society, even more so than nuclear weapons.
The foundation of civilization, the reason why the human species so far advanced in its development, is that we are able to transfer our knowledge and experience not only with each other but also to future generations. Even lower species of animals is necessary to prevent their offspring about life traps.
It is believed that if a nuclear weapon is out of control - in the world there will be problems to be solved. The apologists of the arms race may continue smugly saying, "The policy of nuclear deterrence - the key to peace."
If nuclear weapons are used once, this will solve the problem of smoking and all other problems. The reward policy will be that on the ground there will be no one who could say, "You were wrong." (I wonder why they do not support the arms race?)
However, despite the fact that I - an opponent of nuclear weapons, can not help but recognize that such decisions are made, at least, of sound mind and a sincere belief that it will help mankind.
With smoking, everything is different. Perhaps, during the last war, people truly believed that cigarettes give them courage and confidence. Today, everyone (including the government) know that this is misleading.
However, a look at modern advertising cigarettes. She does not claim that cigarettes bring relaxation or pleasure. All statements that it contains, associated with a quality of the tobacco. And what you actually care about the quality of the poison?
Public hypocrisy in this matter strikes! As members of society, we are protesting against substance abuse and addiction to heroin. In comparison with the use of nicotine, these problems - only spots on society.
Depending on nicotine were up to 60% of the population, and most of them spend most of their pocket money for cigarettes. Tens of thousands of people each year are ruining their lives because of the fact that addiction to smoking.
Smoking has become a mass murderer in the society and at the same time it has invested in the largest UK Treasury funds.
In misery of addicts dependent on nicotine, it makes 8 billion pounds annually, and tobacco industry giants are allowed to spend 120 million pounds a year on advertising this poison.
Tobacco companies make cunningly inconspicuous warning the dangers of smoking to health, placing it on cigarette packs, and television campaign, which tells about the threat of cancer, bad breath, and amputation of the feet, the government spends a pittance.
After that, the government is the moral justification, stating: "We have warned you of the danger. This is your choice". Smoker does not have more opportunities to choose than an addict, addicted to heroin. Smokers did not decide to become smokers; they were lured into the insidious trap.
If smokers really had a choice, the next day is the only smokers were only teenagers start smoking, think they can quit at any time, whenever they want.
Why are there double standards? Why drug addicts, junkies, considered criminals, addicts can register and receive appropriate medical treatment to get rid of their addiction?
Try to register as a drug addict, addicted to nicotine! You do not even have the opportunity to buy cigarettes at cost. You have to pay three times more than their real value, and every year the government makes your life harder. As if a smoker did not already have enough problems!
If you contact a doctor, he will say: "Stop smoking, or smoking will kill you." But did you know that. Or will write you a prescription for the drug of nicotine addiction, which will contain the same drug from which you are trying to give up!
Anti-smoking campaigns also help smokers quit.
They only make it difficult to stop smoking, bullying smokers that makes them want to smoke more. They did not stop even teenagers. Teenagers know that cigarettes kill, but they realize that one cigarette will not kill them.
This habit is so widespread that the teenager, sooner or later, because of public pressure or curiosity, try a cigarette. And because it tastes so disgusting, it is likely to become addicted to smoking. Why do we allow that this scandalous situation continue?
Why our government does not give a special campaign? Why does not declare that nicotine - a drug and deadly poison, it will not remove your stress and give you confidence and a shattered nerves?
Why not tell what to do dependent on nicotine may just one cigarette?
I remember an episode from the novel "The Time Machine" by HG Wells, where we are talking about the events of the distant future. Man falls into the river and began to sink. His companions crowded on the shore, as a flock of sheep, not paying any attention to the desperate cries. To me, this episode seemed quite inhuman.
The general apathy in our society in relation to the problem of smoking is very similar to the situation described. We let the show on TV at peak darts competitions sponsored by the tobacco companies. Sounds cry: "One hundred and eighty points," and then the camera shows the player lights up.
Imagine the scandal if the sponsor of the competition performed the Mafia, the player would have been a drug addict, and later we would show how he makes himself an injection of heroin.
Why do we let the community lead healthy adolescents and young people whose lives before they start smoking, perfect, to ensure that they paid big money for the dubious privilege to destroy their physical and mental health, were in bondage to this poison, and led lives filled with disease?
You might say that I'm too dramatize. No, it is not. My father lived due to smoking only up to fifty years. He was a strong man, and could live until now.
I know that when I was a little over forty, I myself was on the verge of death, although most likely cause of my death would be called a cerebral hemorrhage, it has nothing to do with smoking.
Now I advise smokers deprived of their ability to work or are in the final stages of the disease.
If you think about it, you may also remember a lot of people. In a society wafted change. The snowball has started to grow, and I hope that with this book, he will turn into an avalanche.
Now, when you read this book, you too can help by spreading this message.
Now you can enjoy life as a happy non-smoker.
To ensure success, you need to follow simple instructions:
1. Keep the book handy. Do not lose it, do not give any time or forever.
2. If ever you begin to envy the other smokers, remember that he will envy you. He suffered, not you.
3. Remember that you do not have liked to be a smoker, why you stopped smoking. Now you enjoy what became a non-smoker.
4. Keep in mind that the concept of "just one cigarette" - does not exist.
5. Under no circumstances will not question his decision never to smoke. You know that this is the right decision.
6. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact your nearest clinic by Allen Carr.